What was Erik Erikson childhood like?
Early Life Erik Erikson was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1902. Erikson never knew his own father; he was raised by his mother and stepfather, who married in 1905. He struggled with his identity throughout his youth as he felt his stepfather never fully accepted him as he did his own daughters.
How does Erikson divide up a child’s life?
Erikson’s stages are, in chronological order in which they unfold: trust versus mistrust; autonomy versus shame and doubt; initiative versus guilt; industry versus inferiority; identity versus identity confusion; intimacy versus isolation; generativity versus stagnation; and integrity versus despair.
How does Erikson’s theory apply to child development?
Erikson maintained that personality develops in a predetermined order through eight stages of psychosocial development, from infancy to adulthood. According to the theory, successful completion of each stage results in a healthy personality and the acquisition of basic virtues.
What was Erik Erikson educational background?
Bismarck-Gymnasium Karlsruhe1912–1920
Akademie der Bildenden Künste München
Erik Erikson/Education
Is Erik Erikson alive?
Deceased (1902–1994)
Erik Erikson/Living or Deceased
Who was Erik Erikson influenced by?
Howard Gardner
Eric BerneWilliam DamonBertram Cohler
Erik Erikson/Influenced
What does Erik Erikson say about play?
Erikson shows that the play of children is not merely expressive of their conflicts and problems but also an attempt to find symbolic solutions. Freud recognized that children’s play is succeeded by adult fantasy, but tended to treat both activities as escapist evasions of reality.
Why was the quality of parent/child relationships so important to Erikson?
Erikson held that the “well-parented” child would weather the crisis of Independence vs. Shame to become confident and able. Erikson put forth that parental encouragement and praise could help kids at that stage overcome the tantrums of “the stormy self.” Erikson’s goal for this stage is self-control.
Why is Erik Erikson theory important for children?
The essential theme of this stage is that children need to develop a sense of personal control over physical skills and a sense of independence. Potty training plays an important role in helping children develop this sense of autonomy. Like Freud, Erikson believed that toilet training was a vital part of this process.
Who is Erikson child development?
Erik Erikson (1902–1994) was a stage theorist who took Freud’s controversial theory of psychosexual development and modified it as a psychosocial theory. Erikson emphasized that the ego makes positive contributions to development by mastering attitudes, ideas, and skills at each stage of development.
Who did Erik Erikson look up to?
Erikson ultimately received two certificates from the Montessori Teachers Association and from the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute. According to Erikson’s obituary, he continued to work with Burlingham and Freud at the school for several years, met Sigmund Freud at a party, and even became Anna Freud’s patient.
Did Erik Erikson retire?
Erikson was awarded the AM (hon) on appointment in 1960, and the LLD (hon) in 1978. He retired as Professor Emeritus in 1970.