Why is the narcissist still with the new supply?
The narcissist needs others to boost their ego and feed their feelings of grandiosity and superiority. They would not be willing to have a gap in people who serve that role, so they look for a new supply even while they are still with their old partner.
Does the narcissist treat new supply better?
The narcissist is desperate and will do anything to ensure their supply is refilled because that is their means of survival. They ensure their supply is refilled by treating this new person as if they are special, because that is what draws them in.
Why does the narcissist do a smear campaign?
The narcissist began the smear campaign to rile your emotions up and get you to act out an emotional outburst — which would vindicate their view. Even if such an outburst is justified — as it almost always is when in response to the tactics of emotional manipulators — other people won’t see it that way.
Does a narcissist ever leave supply for good?
The narcissist will discard you when you no longer serve a purpose in their life and helping them get their needs met. There is nothing you can do at this point to make things better because the narcissist is only focused on themselves.
Do narcs come back after new supply?
Narcissists are like weeds that keep popping back up even after you’ve pulled them, sprayed them, and put down rocks. Just as weeds will reappear until there’s no more nutrient source, narcissists will keep reappearing in your life until there is no continued source of narcissistic supply.
Do narcissists love their new supply?
Do Narcissists Treat Their New Supply Differently? No, not at all.. The narc has zero sense of self therefore they will continue doing what they have always done. They will Lovebomb, Devalue, Discard, and Hoover you for weeks, months, and years.
Will a narcissist change for a new relationship?
According to psychologists, therapists and neuroscientists, narcissists can never change. They are obsessed with the idealised image of themselves, which they believe to be superior to everybody else.
How do you respond to a narcissist smear campaign?
Narcissism Essential Reads
- Don’t engage.
- Focus on what you can deal with, and not what you can’t.
- Be prepared for the narcissist to claim the victim’s role.
- Look forward, not back.
- Seek support, because there’s no gold star for going it alone.
How do you deal with a narc smear campaign?
Let them know you are the target of a smear campaign and to not believe what your ex is saying about you. Inform them your ex is creating “spin” to the point that what they are saying is fiction and a waste of time to believe. Be forthright, convincing, and firm. State your side once, then let it go.
Will a narcissist come back after dumping you?
Do Narcissists come back after dumping you? Yes! They most often come back after ending the relationship if there is still enough supply for them.
Should you warn the narcissist’s new supply?
No matter how tempted you may be to warn them of the truth – don’t do it. Don’t try to save the narcissist’s new supply. They will never believe you, just as you wouldn’t have believed anyone if they had tried to warn you, all that time ago. It will only backfire on you.