Which books should I prefer for IIT JEE?
Best Books for JEE 2020 – Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
S.No | Authors /Publisher | Name of Books |
1 | HC Verma | Concepts of Physica Vol I and II |
2 | Arihant Publications | Objective questions on physics by D.C. Pandey |
3 | Halliday, Resnick & Walker | Fundamentals of Physics |
4 | I.E. Irodov | Problems in General Physics |
Which book should I buy for JEE mains?
Best Books for JEE Mains Physics
Fundamentals of Physics | Halliday & Resnick |
Understanding Physics set of 5 books | DC Pandey |
40 Years’ Chapterwise Topicwise: Solved Papers (2018-1979) IIT JEE Physics | DC Pandey |
Problems in General Physics | I.E Irodov |
Is RD Sharma enough for IIT?
RD Sharma does make your foundation for JEE strong and ready for conceptual questions of Advanced but it is advisable to use other reference books and coaching institutes materials. RD Sharma Maths book for iit jee is not enough. The objective book focuses on MCQs rather than subjective questions.
Is Ncert exemplar important for JEE?
Importance of NCERT Exemplar NCERT Exemplars are not only useful for JEE-Main preparation, but are also helpful for all competitive exam preparations in India. They are the Bible for students preparing for their dream careers.
Which is better S Chand or HC Verma?
s chand is a better book for learning all the concepts for class 11. if you are more than interested in the subject,then go for solving numericals from h.c.verma. they will test your conceptual understanding and patience too..
Which is better SL Arora or HC Verma?
If you are up for boards SL Arora will do just fine and you will not have to go for HCV. But if you are preparing for competitive exams like IIT/JEE either mains or advance then you should definitely go for HCV as it has more advance problems and will help you solve more complex problems.
Which is the best library in Mumbai for reading?
Bombayites Get Reading Because These Libraries In Mumbai Are Every Book Reader’s Paradise. 1 1. British Council Library. The most sought after name and by far the most modern one in the list, the British Council library in Mumbai has a 2 2. David Sassoon Library. 3 3. The Asiatic Society. 4 4. Trilogy. 5 5. NCPA Reference Library.
What is so special about the sports library in Mumbai?
Mumbai is truly special as it serves everyone and provides you with a unique experience in every possible manner. As the name suggests, the H. D. Kanga Memorial Sports Library is a sports library! Every sports buff who wants to read any book, magazine, journal, commentary on any sports has to come to this library in Mumbai.
Where can I read comics in Mumbai?
Just like its name, the Leaping Window library in Mumbai has skipped the conventional settings of a library! This library cum cafe in its basement has a sprawling variety of comics, manga and graphic novels – both classics like Maus and Persepolis as well as lesser-known titles.