What is the CIN number of Tanishq (India) Limited?
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Tanishq (India) Limited is U36911KA1996PLC020977. The registered office of Tanishq (India) Limited was at GOLDEN ENCLAVE, TITAN TOWERAIRPORT ROAD, BANGALORE BANGALORE , Karnataka. The status of the company is now Amalgamated.
When was the last AGM of Tanishq (India) Limited held?
The last reported AGM (Annual General Meeting) of Tanishq (India) Limited, per our records, was held on 18 July, 2011. Also, as per our records, its last balance sheet was prepared for the period ending on 31 March, 2011. The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Tanishq (India) Limited is U36911KA1996PLC020977.
When was the last balance sheet prepared for Tanishq (India) Limited?
Also, as per our records, its last balance sheet was prepared for the period ending on 31 March, 2011. The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Tanishq (India) Limited is U36911KA1996PLC020977. The registered office of Tanishq (India) Limited was at GOLDEN ENCLAVE, TITAN TOWERAIRPORT ROAD, BANGALORE BANGALORE , Karnataka.
What is Tanishq Golden Harvest scheme?
Tanishq Golden Harvest Scheme The Gold Harvest Scheme (GHS) is a gold savings scheme offered by Tanishq Jewellers. Under this scheme: You must invest a certain amount every month, for 10 months. Minimum instalment value of INR 2000, up to any amount in multiples of INR 1000 (source Tanishq).
Why buy from Tanishq?
The state-of-the-art Karatmeter present in every Tanishq store is a very accurate way of measuring the purity of gold, thus making our gold as pure as we say it is. 2 Each Tanishq piece is crafted to give it a signature finish. Yet, you get a wide range of gold jewellery choices with the making charge starting at 8\% only.
How does Tanishq measure purity of gold?
The state-of-the-art Karatmeter present in every Tanishq store is a very accurate way of measuring the purity of gold, thus making our gold as pure as we say it is. Each Tanishq piece is crafted to give it a signature finish. Yet, you get a wide range of gold jewellery choices with the making charge starting at 8\% only.