What is last traded price?
The last traded price (LTP) usually differs from the closing price of the day. This because the closing price of the day on NSE is the weighted average price of the last 30 mins of trading. The last traded price of the day is the actual last traded price.
What is LTP and CMP?
Last traded price(LTP) is the price at which the last trade was executed between the buyer and the seller. It is a price of the past. Current market price(CMP) is the price currently available for buyers and sellers. It is a price of the present.
Is LTP and CMP same?
LTP in the stock market means the price at which is last trade was executed between the buyer and seller on the exchange. CMP is the current price at which buyer and seller can buy or sell in the market. So to summarize, the difference between LTP and CMP is that LTP is the past price and CMP is the current price.
What is last traded price in Zerodha?
LTP in Zerodha is an abbreviation for Last Traded Price. LTP means the price at which the stock was last traded. The LTP of stock gives a hint to a trader on the direction of price movement. The LTP is different from the Closing Price of the stock.
What does CMP means in stock market?
current market price
current market price (cmp)
How is last traded price calculated?
The closing price is calculated by dividing the total product by the total number of shares traded during the 30 minutes. So your closing price is Rs 13.57 (Rs. 95/7). You last trading price is, however, Rs 20, which is the price at which the stock was traded last.
What is traded price?
Also known as the market price, trade price of a commodity is the price at which it is currently selling in the market. In the context of trading, the price at which a share is being purchased or sold in the stock market at a given point of time is known as its trade price.
What is CMP and order price in share market?
The term CMP, when used in trading stocks, stands for current market price. Also known as current market value, this refers to the rough price at which shares currently are trading in the market.
Is market price and last traded price same?
The market price, unlike the last traded price, is the price that a futures contract is either offered for, known as the ask, or the price someone is willing to buy a futures contract, known as the bid. If a trader is buying a futures contract, the market price is the asking price. …
What is AVG in Zerodha?
If you trade in the same scrip multiple times, you will notice the present average price of your holdings or positions changes. The buy average price is calculated on a FIFO basis (first-in-first-out). The shares you purchase first are considered to be sold first from your account.
What is CMP and order price?
How is CMP of shares calculated?
The market price per share is used to determine a company’s market capitalization, or “market cap.” To calculate it, take the most recent share price of a company and multiply it by the total number of outstanding shares.