Is Aspergers classed as a learning disability?
People with Asperger’s syndrome see, hear and feel the world differently to other people. People with Asperger’s syndrome will not usually have a learning disability, however they may experience challenges such as specific learning difficulties, anxiety or other conditions.
Can someone with autism go to college?
Although some individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have cognitive impairments that would preclude college attendance, many students with high-functioning Autism (HFA) do well in an academic environment, particularly if they have the opportunity to focus on areas of personal interest.
What school is best for high-functioning autism?
The Temple Grandin School (TGS) is one of the best private schools for autism.
Should parents withhold the diagnosis of Asperger’s from their children?
If parents withhold the diagnosis from their child, they should expect that eventually their child will discover this truth later in life. People generally need to acquire selfunderstanding in order to gain greater self-acceptance. The diagnosis of Asperger’s can be the information that helps to accomplish this objective.
Do I look normal if I have Asperger’s?
Sometimes when people hear that a child has Asperger’s their first response will be something along the lines of: “But you look so normal.” This is hurtful and ignorant because there is nothing abnormal or atypical about a child with Asperger’s.
How do children with Asperger’s react to bad news?
A child with Asperger’s is unlikely to react to bad news immediately, but once they’ve had the time to process the event they’ll respond more intensely than other kids. Rather than lacking empathy, children with Asperger’s express feeling in an unconventional way. Why is this so damaging?
Should I tell people about my child’s autism spectrum diagnosis?
Children with an autism spectrum diagnosis should have the chance to understand, accept and appreciate their uniqueness by being given information about their diagnosis. You may fear a number of things if you tell your child (and others) about the diagnosis.