How long does it take to core a province EU4?
Note: Coring takes a minimum of 6 months. Coring progress will be halted if the province is occupied by hostile forces or when the current owner is at war with any country that already has a core on the province.
What are unjustified demands eu4?
unjustified demands are everything that are not in the stated war goal. Eg: War goal : reconquest of Calais. You take Calais AND another Province, the second one will cost you Diplo Points. The bonus reduces this cost.
What are unjustified demands EU4?
How can I reduce my overextension?
Overextension can be reduced by:
- Coring provinces, which takes time and administrative power.
- Selling or granting non-cored provinces to subjects to let the subjects core them (you may be able to annex them later)
- Selling provinces to other nations.
- Releasing a vassal that has a core on it.
Is it easy to take over a province?
If taking the province is your war goal, then it should be easy enough to demand it as long as you’ve at least occupied the province and capital during the war and won a few battles. Provinces that you have claims on will require you to at least occupy many provinces and dominate the enemy’s army.
How would you describe the world of Europe in EU4?
The world of Europe in EU4 is, at least initially, basically medieval. There is no nation state, no centralized administration, military force is divided amongst semi-autonomous vassals. National armies are absolutely tiny, basically consisting of the nobility and whatever peasants they can round up without causing everyone to die of starvation.
Why does France have core regions in EU4?
If you consider the real 100 Years’ War, England did hold parts of France which France considered truly belonged to the French. You could say that those parts were core regions of France. Claims and cores are just EU4’s way of giving countries a chance to have a casus belli for going to war.
What happens when you take a country’s provinces in peace?
Taking that country’s provinces in a peace incurs +50\% aggressive expansion and costs +100\% warscore. Note: If a nation is marked as a co-belligerent, but are also a tributary of another nation, neither the tributary overlord, nor the co-belligerent’s allies will be called in. A similar loophole also applies in the HRE.