How long does ICAS assessment take?
it takes approx 9 months once all documentation is received and reviewed for completeness by ICAS and is put in queue for assessment. You need to count assessment time from the date its placed in queue for assessment.
How fast is ICAS?
Once you apply for ICAS, you may receive the report within 6-8 weeks. However, it is an approximate time period and that actual duration may vary depending on your location and whether you submit all required documents or not.
How do I check the status of my ICAS application?
To check the status of your assessment, you can log in using your ICAS File Number and Date of Birth. The file status will be updated when documents are received in our office (and processed by our mail room), and as your file moves through the assessment process.
Which is faster Wes or ICAS?
WES is any day better than ICAS. Although both the organizations carry same value and recognition as per the IRCC’s guidelines, but WES clearly outweighs ICAS. ECA fee for both of them are almost same, the only big difference is that WES is faster.
What is application processing time?
Processing times tell you how long you can expect it will take us to process an application under normal circumstances. A processing time starts the day we receive an application and ends when we make a decision.
Can I get refund from ICAS?
ICAS fees are non-refundable with the exception of overpayment. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the ICAS Assessment Report will be accepted for the intended purpose.
What is ICAS Assessment Report?
Assessment Reports This report describes the education completed and suggests the comparable level in Ontario/Canada for each credential. This type of report is the one most commonly required by employers.
How much does ICAS assessment cost?
ICAS Assessments are now online, a move that reflects a sector-wide transition to online assessments. This allows greater accessibility for students and faster delivery of results. Cost per test: $17.05. Please note that the ICAS Writing assessment costs $21.45.
Which is the fastest ECA for Canada immigration?
Fastest ECA Canada is done by WES. World Education Services is one of the fastest designated authority which provides fastest ECA Canada reports within 6-8 Weeks approximately as compared to others.
Why do I need an icicas assessment?
ICAS provides reports that help employers, education institutions, immigration officials and community agencies understand the education you completed outside Canada. Need an Assessment? Applying to a College in Ontario?
How do I track the progress of my ICAS assessment?
You can track the progress of your assessment online. You will need your date of birth and ICAS File Number to log in. Please note that the file status does not contain any personal information and cannot be used to update your application or add services.
How can ICAS help you?
ICAS can help. ICAS provides reports that help employers, education institutions, immigration officials and community agencies understand the education you completed outside Canada.
Can I contact ICAS to confirm the arrival of documents?
Please do not contact ICAS to confirm the arrival of documents . Staff do not have access to the incoming mail until it is processed by the Document Control Unit. Please rest assured that staff are processing incoming documents as quickly as possible.