Can you trademark an event name?
Can I Trademark an Event? No, you can not trademark an event. Although you cannot trademark the layout or activities inherent to a particular event, you can trademark the name, logo and slogan associated with the event.
How do you trademark a festival name?
To apply for an event trademark you will need to provide the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office with your name and address, the name of your event, a description of the goods and services offered at your event, a statement as to when you began using your event name and an example of your event name being used in commerce …
Can a word on a tee shirt be trademarked?
Words and logos on T-shirts can be protected with the USPTO, but the overall design of the T-shirt is actually protected by copyright law. As soon as the T-shirt is fixed in a tangible medium, any creative and original aspects of the shirt are protected by copyright law.
How do I protect my festival name?
It’s simple: Protect your trademark at all costs. Many times, a simple cease-and-desist letter will suffice and the offending party will back down without conflict. If that isn’t the case, however, you must be prepared to fight for what it yours. You can’t afford not to.
What phrases Cannot be trademarked?
What Can’t Be Trademarked?
- Proper names or likenesses without consent from the person.
- Generic terms, phrases, or the like.
- Government symbols or insignia.
- Vulgar or disparaging words or phrases.
- The likeness of a U.S. President, former or current.
- Immoral, deceptive, or scandalous words or symbols.
- Sounds or short motifs.
Should I trademark my shirt slogan?
Because a slogan or design silk-screened onto a T-shirt is not a trademark. A trademark is any word, phrase, design or device that identifies the source of the goods identified by the mark. Don’t even attempt to register the trademark for a slogan or design that simply appears across the chest or back of tee-shirt.
Can two companies have the same logo?
Yes, both companies can USE the same trademark to brand the two companies but only ONE company can own that trademark. One must license the mark to the other.
How much does a trademark lawsuit cost?
Now consider the cost of suing. Typically, lawyers who handle trademark cases charge $250 per hour or more (especially in larger metropolitan areas). Full-blown trademark litigation can easily cost over $20,000, and that number can increase depending on the location of the litigation and the possibility of appeal.