Why did King Herod want Jesus?
Jesus was born in Bethlehem when Herod was king of Judea . Herod asked the visitors to let him know exactly where the child was, so he too could worship him.
Why was Herod jealous of Jesus?
When Herod heard about the birth of Jesus, he thought Jesus would overthrow his kingship. This jealousy led Herod to seek the death of Jesus. Herod ordered the murder of all male children, two years old and younger. In doing this Herod thought he would be certain the newborn king Jesus would die.
Why did Herod send Pontius Pilate back?
Herod not only thought he didn’t have the final authority over his fate he wasn’t particularly interested in executing Him either. This is why Herod sent him back. As Roman Prefect of Judea (26 – 36 A.D.) Pilate had the ultimate local civil authority over all criminal court cases in his jurisdiction (see John 18:31).
What did Jesus do before Pilate?
Jesus before Pilate before his death. Pilate’s early life is a mystery. History says little about Pilate before he served as the Roman prefect of Judea between 26 and 36 A.D. It is thought he was born into an equestrian family in Italy, but some legends claim Scotland was the land of his birth.
What was Herod’s reaction to Jesus’ fate?
He was apparently indifferent to Jesus’ fate. Herod was flattered that Pilate chose to include him in the decision-making process, and Luke’s gospel notes with a touch of irony that the two men, previously alienated, were friends from that day. Note: It is Luke who gives us this part of the story, and one wonders how he knew.
Why was Herod Antipas reluctant to pass judgment on Jesus?
Jesus before Herod Antipas Pilate was clearly reluctant to pass judgment on Jesus. He did not want the responsibility of convicting an innocent man, so that when he heard that Jesus was a Galilean, he saw a way out of his dilemma. If Jesus was from Galilee then Herod Antipas, as ruler of Galilee, could be roped into this delicate situation.