Who would win a fight Gandalf or Dumbledore?
Gandalf would beat Dumbledore in a fight between the two, but Dumbledore is more powerful in comparison to his respective world. Gandalf wouldn’t be able to beat Sauron at his full power, but Dumbledore would crush Voldemort any day.
Who would win in a fight between Luke Skywalker and Harry Potter?
Luke wins easily. Harry is noted to be a talent duelist against other wizards, but he’s never faced anything like a Jedi. Right out of the gate, Luke can read Harry’s thoughts, so he can determine he needs his wand to do magic. All Luke needs to do in that case is use the Force and break Harry’s wand.
How powerful is Gandalf compared to Harry Potter?
Gandalf is in a different class of wizard than Harry. Gandalf is on a different level than the most powerful wizards in the Harry Potter universe. Dumbledore is child’s play to Gandalf. Gandalf is basically a demigod and no Harry Potter character can match that.
Was Gandalf’s greatest battle with the Balrog?
Gandalf will frequently throw himself into the heat of battle, dispatching orc after orc with his sword and staff combo. And that’s without mentioning Gandalf’s greatest battle, indeed, one of the best cinematic battles of the past twenty years. We’re speaking, of course, of Gandalf’s fight with the Balrog.
Do Gandalf and Dumbledore have any ancient wisdom similar to Palpatine?
Of course, neither Gandalf or Dumbledore have any ancient wisdom close to the “Darth Plagueis the Wise” monologue from Emperor Palpatine. But honestly, who does? Advice for being a wizard is, I imagine, something like advice for being a parent.
What is the relationship between Gandalf and Valar?
Gandalf or as he was originally named Olórin was one of the Maiar. These were spirits that descended to Arda (middle-earth) to help the Valar (it’s a bit complicated but they are basically gods) shape the World. Each of the Maiar was associated with one or more of the Valar.