Which is more profitable broiler or layers?
Broiler farming is more profitable than layer but it is risky. There is a high fluctuation in the cost of broiler chick and broiler meat throughout the year. Marketing problem is more in broiler farming in comparison to layer.
What is the difference in starting a business in layers and broilers?
Broilers’ feeds are made to have excess energy to enable them gain weight. Layers are birds reared for the purpose of egg production. Layers tend not to gain weight and their feeds composition is made in such a way that it helps them lay eggs without much weight.
How much do egg laying houses make?
A hatching egg production house will normally house around 10,000 to 11,000 layers. Gross income will vary with production performance but should exceed $60,000 annually. Annual fixed and cash cost will range between $45,000 and $50,000 for an average producer depending on type of house, interest rate and management.
Can broilers lay eggs?
Broiler hens can lay eggs. Known as parent birds, stock breeders, or broiler breeders, chickens who give birth to and fertilize eggs destined for broiler farms are integral to the poultry industry. Eggs are collected and sent to hatcheries, where the lives of broiler chickens begin.
Are egg layers profitable?
The number of eggs laid peaks halfway through the year and then starts dropping. Hens that are older than a year lay fewer and fewer eggs, until they stop altogether. They will, however, continue to eat the same amount of food, so your profits will steadily drop until you can no longer afford to run your enterprise.
Is egg poultry profitable?
Amount for Sale of Manure = Rs 9,00,000. Total income = Sale of eggs + Sale of spent hens + Sale of Manure + Sale of Gunnies = Rs 43,66,000. Gross profit = Rs 6,25,400.
Can broiler chickens lay eggs?
Broiler chicken can lay egg and even can we fertilised them but it’s not feasible for us to keep the broiler chicken until they start laying eggs. After 42 days to 50 days the broiler tends to consume more feed which in turn converts those feeds into miming flesh development and egg development process which lead…
What is the difference between broiler chicken and Layer chicken?
The Layers are grown only to lay eggs, while the Broilers are raised for meat. Approximately, both Layers and Broilers require a similar type of facilities and equipment. Layers are raising chicken for eggs, whereas Broilers means chickens raised for meat. In this article we also discuss the below topics about Broiler vs Layer chicken;
How to start a poultry egg production business?
Point of lay chickens/Layer chicks. Poultry Layers start to lay eggs at about 19 weeks of age. When starting a poultry egg production business, you will have to make a decision of whether you start with day old chicks or point of lay birds. You can buy layer chicks and feed them till they are 19 weeks.
Is it easier to start a broiler or layer poultry farm?
It is easier to start a Broiler poultry farm than a Layer farm business because the initial cost of starting a Broiler farm is cheaper compared to Layers that are more complex and costly initially. 11. You can start earning within few weeks for Broilers but you must wait for about 5 months for Layers to start laying eggs.