What is the education system like in Indonesia?
Education in Indonesia is compulsory and provided free of charge at public schools from grades one to nine (six years of elementary education and three years of junior secondary education). The official age of entry is seven, but many pupils enter at the age of six.
Why history is a mandatory subject?
History helps us understand change and how the society we live in came to be. The second reason history is inescapable as a subject of serious study follows closely on the first. The past causes the present, and so the future.
What subjects are taught in Indonesia?
The curriculum content of compulsory primary education consists of subject matter covering Pancasila education, religious education, citizenship education, Indonesian language, reading and writing, mathematics, introduction to science and technology, geography, national and general history, handicrafts and art.
What percent of Indonesia is educated?
The completion rate for Indonesian primary schools is high. In 2018, the net enrollment rate for primary, middle school, and high school each is 93.5\%, 78.84\%, and 60.67\%. The tertiary-education participation is low at 36.31\%.
Should history be taught?
Scholars say that teaching history to kids has many important benefits. Studying history improves our decision making and judgment. History shows us models of good and responsible citizenship. History also teaches us how to learn from the mistakes of others.
Who decides what history is taught in school?
These guidelines are usually developed by committees of educators, curriculum specialists at the state department of education, academics, and community members. States update them periodically—generally every seven to 10 years— through a revision process.
What language is taught in Indonesia?
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia was declared the state language in the 1945 constitution, and reformed spelling was agreed in 1972. It is the sole medium of instruction, except in the first three grades of elementary school in nine regions, where vernaculars may be used transitionally.
Why study indindonesian history and culture?
Indonesian history and culture are especially relevant today as the Island nation is an emerging power in the region with a dynamic new leader. It is a land of incredible diversity and unending paradoxes that has a long and rich history stretching back a thousand years and more.
What is the school-age population in Indonesia?
Indonesia is the fourth most populated country in the world with a high proportion of young people making up its demographics. According to Statistics Indonesia (BPS), the total of the school-age population in Indonesia in 2015 was 109.2 million or 42.7\% of its total population of 255.5 million people.
How did the Indonesian archipelago come to be?
When the sea level rose as the result of melting ice north of Europe and the American continent, many islands emerged, including the Indonesian archipelago. The ancestors of most modern Indonesians reached the archipelago around 4,000 years ago, coming from modern Taiwan (well, China, depends on who you ask…).
How is Indonesia’s education system improving?
Indonesia’s education system has made incremental improvements over the past decade through extending the age of compulsory education and thus increasing the number of students in primary and secondary education, as well as improving teacher training and minimum qualifications.