What does the quote some infinities are bigger than other infinities?
“Whether those different sorts of infinities apply to something like moments of time is unknown. What we do know is that if life has infinite moments, or infinite love, or infinite being, then a life twice as long still has exactly the same amount. Some infinities only look bigger than other infinities.
Why some infinities are bigger than others?
If you’re given an infinite set, there is a simple method to make a larger infinity: take its power set, which is always of higher cardinality. So not only some infinities are larger than others, but there is no a “largest” inifinity, you can always create a larger one.
What is the meaning behind the fault in our stars?
The book’s title, The Fault in Our Stars, comes from a line in Shakespeare’s play in Julius Caesar where Cassius says, “The fault, dear Brutus is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” Deep, much? Cassius seems to be saying that it’s not fate that dooms men, but instead their own failings.
Did Hazel and Augustus sleep together?
Hazel tells him she loves him, and they make love for the first time. It’s not exactly as Hazel expected, neither as painful or as ecstatic, and they fall asleep together afterward with Hazel’s head resting on Augustus’s chest.
Are all infinities the same?
Infinity is a powerful concept. There are actually many different sizes or levels of infinity; some infinite sets are vastly larger than other infinite sets. The theory of infinite sets was developed in the late nineteenth century by the brilliant mathematician Georg Cantor.
What do Hazel and Gus learn about how big some infinities are?
Hazel ponders it over a few times, but she thinks about it again as she’s preparing for Gus’ funeral. Some infinities are bigger than other infinites. It’s math and you can’t argue with math. The time Hazel had with Gus was just one little slice of heaven.
Are some infinities larger?
There are actually many different sizes or levels of infinity; some infinite sets are vastly larger than other infinite sets. The theory of infinite sets was developed in the late nineteenth century by the brilliant mathematician Georg Cantor.
What is greater than infinity and beyond?
Not only is the infinity of decimals bigger than that of the counting numbers – there is no biggest infinity. Beyond infinity is another infinity, and beyond that is yet another… and even after you’ve reached an infinity of infinities, there’s still another infinity beyond that. Buzz Lightyear, eat your heart out.
Why did John Green name the book The Fault in Our Stars?
The Fault In Our Stars is a novel by American author, John Green. The title is a reference to a line in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar: “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars/But in ourselves”.
What is the meaning of the fault dear Brutus is not in our stars but in ourselves?
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings. (Julius Caesar, Act 1, scene 2, 135–141) In its literary context, Cassius means that sometimes people have to take steps they think they cannot. He does not mean to present fate and human efforts as opposite to each other.
What was the real story about Caroline Mathers?
Caroline Mathers is a background character in The Fault in Our Stars. She was another cancer victim in the book and died of a brain tumor while dating Augustus Waters. Caroline is first introduced when Hazel and Augustus are talking about their first kisses.
Is Hazel Grace Lancaster still alive?
According to John Green’s tweet, she dies around a year after Augustus due to her cancer. I always pictured her dying shortly after the end of the book.
What kind of character is Hazel in the fault in Our Stars?
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Hazel is a dynamic character in the book. She starts off feeling helpless and she doesn’t see the point in going out and making friends, or having any piece of social life for that matter. She just stays at home and lets the cancer overcome her.
What do Hazel and Gus argue about?
They argue about Gus’s obsession with dying for something or leaving something behind after he goes, which Hazel says is a mean thing to say to her who feels as if she is unable to do that. Though some tension remains, they are able to change the subject and find that Peter von Houten paid for their meal.
What is the meaning of some infinities are bigger than others?
“Some infinities are bigger than another infinities”. The Line simply Shows the Emotions, caring, and never let go feeling between the Hazel grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters. What she is trying to say that even though his life was not a long one, it was still its own infinity.to live as much as he possibly could.
Who said these quotes from the fault in Our Stars?
The The Fault in Our Stars quotes below are all either spoken by Hazel Grace Lancaster or refer to Hazel Grace Lancaster. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ).