What can Ruby do that Python Cannot?
You can add or modify the methods of built-in classes. Both languages let you open up and modify classes at any point, but Python prevents modification of built-ins — Ruby does not. You’ve got true and false instead of True and False (and nil instead of None).
Should I learn Ruby or Rails?
Rails might be your first framework, and Ruby your first language. If you’re new to programming in general, you’ll want to start with Learn to Program. It’ll teach you to write your own programs in Ruby, even if you’ve never written code before. It’ll start you off with good habits.
Is Ruby close to Python?
Each framework has differences in how you implement these features, but at the core, they are very similar. Python and Ruby also have many libraries you can use to add features to your web applications as well. Ruby has a repository called Rubygems, and Python has a repository called the Package Index.
What is the difference between Ruby and Python?
Ruby describes blocks using keywords (begin/def end) Python uses whitespaces. This did take a bit of getting used to (and I still personally prefer Ruby’s way). You catch exceptions in Ruby using begin/rescue/end in Python you use try/except.
Is rails the only way to use Ruby for web applications?
Obviously, Rails is not the only way to use Ruby for applications & APIs, there are numerous micro frameworks available in Ruby, the most well known being Sinatra. Sinatra is great, it has a very small and easy to use API and we could have gone for it. We chose Python for two reasons.
Should I use ruby or Python for scientific programming?
Ruby is unfortunately not a great help on that account while the Python scientific ecosystem is simply top-notch. The choice was easy, let’s use Python & its very well known micro-framework solution; Flask. At that point in time, I had only ever dabbled in Python to write small scripts, either to convert & reshape some data or perform calculations.
What is the Ruby virtual machine?
Ruby is an object-oriented scripting language. Every single thing in Ruby is an `Object`. The Ruby virtual machine takes care of translating the very natural looking syntax to actual instruction. This VM is constantly improving and the generated code gets faster with each new version.