How tall was the average Nazi soldier?
Recruits had to be between the ages of 17 and 23, at least 1.74 metres (5 ft 9 in) tall (1.78 metres (5 ft 10 in) for the LSSAH). Concentration camp guards had to make a one-year commitment, be between the ages of 16 and 23, and at least 1.72 metres (5 ft 8 in) tall.
What did Nazi soldiers eat?
Besides the high-rank generals, who usually stayed away from the battle, that ate regular food, the frontline soldiers ate 3 types of ration: The regular ration (Bread, soup, margarine/butter, Schoko-Kola, 1 or 2 cans of Iron Ration meat (at the most)) that was issued officially for them.
How good were German soldiers in ww2?
The firepower of a German infantry division far exceeded that of a French, British, or Polish division; the standard German division included 442 machine guns, 135 mortars, 72 antitank guns, and 24 howitzers. Allied divisions had a firepower only slightly greater than that of World War I.
How did German soldiers sleep in ww2?
If a German soldier wasn’t in a bunker and had to sleep in a trench, he would lay his head on a knapsack, just like we used our rucksacks. But our rucksacks were no match to a German knapsack, which was sewn together from soft calfskin. The contents of their knapsacks were also richer than those of our bags.
What was the average age of a ww2 soldier?
26 years
None of the enlisted grades have an average age of less than 20. The average man who fought in World War II was 26 years of age.
What is the B called in German?
In German, the ß character is called eszett. It’s used in “Straße,” the word for street, and in the expletive “Scheiße.” It’s often transliterated as “ss,” and strangely enough, it’s never had an official uppercase counterpart. The letter “a” has “A” and “b” has “B,” while ß had… nothing.
What was Hitler’s favorite meal?
Hitler continued to eat a favourite dish, Leberkloesse (liver dumplings).” Today, it is believed by scholars, including Alan Bullock, Arnold Aluke, Clinton Sanders and Robert Procter, that Hitler—at least during the war—followed a vegetarian diet.
What Germans ate during ww2?
Standard German rations for SS units in the field consisted of a four-day supply: about 25 ounces of Graubrot (gray rye bread); 6-10 ounces of Fleisch (canned meat) or Wurst (canned sausage); some five ounces of vegetables; a half ounce of butter, margarine, jam, or hazelnut paste; either real or ersatz coffee; five …
Why was German army so strong?
Germany was so strong during the war because they bet everything on this war. The overcharged their economy to do it and it was constantly on the verge of collapse , after all the looting they did on Europe.
Did ww2 soldiers sleep in tents?
If you’re in the military, you’ve slept in some unusual places. An innovation that helped shelter soldiers and make units more self-sufficient was the development of the “pup tent.” These small sleep tents were often shared by two soldiers. The weight of the material, stakes, and poles were generally around ten pounds.
Did soldiers sleep during war?
Sleep During Deployment Naps were rare, and reported by only 16\% of soldiers. Around 15\% of Air Force personnel slept less than 4.5 hours. Navy service members slept 5.9 hours on average, with 67\% sleeping less than seven hours.