How reliable is IMDb?
While we actively gather information from and verify items with studios and filmmakers, the bulk of our information is submitted by people in the industry and visitors like you! In addition to using as many sources as we can, our data goes through consistency checks to ensure it’s as accurate and reliable as possible.
How do I read IMDb ratings?
To navigate to the page, select your name in the right hand of the screen and select “Your Ratings” from the drop down menu. By default, your ratings are displayed in chronological order (most recent ones appear first) but you can change the sorting order by clicking on the dropdown menu at the top of the list.
Which movie has the highest IMDB rating?
IMDb Top 250 Movies
- The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 9.2.
- The Godfather (1972) 9.1.
- The Godfather: Part II (1974) 9.0.
- The Dark Knight (2008) 9.0.
- 12 Angry Men (1957) 8.9.
- Schindler’s List (1993) 8.9.
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 8.9.
- Pulp Fiction (1994) 8.8.
Is the performance review in Bell Curve suitable for small companies?
The performance review in bell curve is not suitable for small companies where the number of employees is less than 150. With fewer employees, the categorization cannot be done properly, and the results are often erroneous.
What is the bell curve in statistics?
The Bell curve is also known as the Normal Distribution Curve. The main idea behind the bell curve is when everybody in the team or class is a good performer, how will you identify who is the best performer, who is the average performer and who is the poor performer in the team or class.
How do imdb ratings work?
IMDb registered users can cast a vote (from 1 to 10) on every released title in the database. Individual votes are then aggregated and summarized as a single IMDb rating, visible on the title’s main page. By “released title” we mean that the movie (or TV show) must have been shown publicly at least once (including festival screening).
What is the average IMDb score of a movie?
IMDb contains 10034 movies that satisfy the above criteria. The average score (on a scale of 1 to 10) of those movies is 6.38 and the median score is 6.6. The average score per release year is given by the following graph: Thanks, Nathaniel!