How big is Eris compared to Earth?
With a radius of about 722 miles (1,163 kilometers), Eris is about 1/5 the radius of Earth. Eris, like Pluto, is a little smaller than Earth’s Moon. If the Earth were the size of a nickel, Eris would be about as big as a popcorn kernel.
Why is Eris so popular?
Its popularity has grown over time in the space of international dating. Eris allows adventurous people to have fun over the internet and an opportunity to meet thousands of singles who’re near you and waiting to have fun just like you.
How fast does Eris rotate around the Sun?
As Eris orbits the Sun, it completes one rotation every 25.9 hours, making its day length similar to ours. Dwarf planet Eris is a member of a group of objects that orbit in a disc-like zone beyond the orbit of Neptune called the Kuiper Belt.
What is the name of the moon of Eris?
Eris has a very small moon called Dysnomia. Dysnomia has a nearly circular orbit lasting about 16 days. This moon is named after Eris’ daughter, the demon goddess of lawlessness. Dysnomia and other small moons around planets and dwarf planets allow astronomers to calculate the mass of the parent body.
What is the surface temperature of Eris?
Surface Eris most likely has a rocky surface similar to Pluto. Scientists think surface temperatures vary from about -359 degrees Fahrenheit (-217 degrees Celsius) to -405 degrees Fahrenheit (-243 degrees Celsius).
What is the internal structure of Eris?
We know very little about Eris’ internal structure. Eris most likely has a rocky surface similar to Pluto. Scientists think surface temperatures vary from about -359 degrees Fahrenheit (-217 degrees Celsius) to -405 degrees Fahrenheit (-243 degrees Celsius).