Do INFJs mirror others?
INFJs don’t mirror, they adapt to you so you can feel as comfortable as possible with them. If an INFJ does this, they will be different with other people, you will feel like “they are not completely the one you knew, but it’s still them”.
What is Infj mirroring?
INFJs are just really good at knowing what people want to see, need to see, and showing exactly that. There’s a term for it – it’s called INFJ Mirroring. In order to understand what’s really going on, you have to understand the IN*J function stack.
Do INFJs mirror emotions?
It is said that INFPs tend to mirror and INFJs tend to absorb emotions. It can be hard to recognise the differences between absorbing and mirroring.
Do INFJs copy people?
But being out of character DOESN’T mean “copying” others personality, Just like everyone, INFJs do have other sides besides their actual traits that many don’t know. Take time away from the person or situation.
Do INFJs care what others think?
Yes they care a lot about what other people think about them but mostly closed ones or the ones they have to interact daily. But they don’t admit it that they care about people thinking of them.
Are Infj good at hiding their feelings?
INFJs are highly perceptive. We don’t hide our emotions, we are able to read a room in a moments time and react in the way that we know will get us through the interaction safely or at whatever level we need to to feel comfortable.
Can INFJ be manipulative?
INFJs don’t always use their qualities for good, they can also be master manipulators — our intuition makes it easy for the INFJ to pick up on cues and find “weak spots” in people — prey on those — and then get what is needed.
How do others see INFJ?
INFJs are usually seen as reserved yet compassionate and caring. Their intuitions are often kept to themselves unless they are with people they trust deeply. They tend to keep part of themselves hidden and may seem “difficult to know”.
What does an Infj fear?
Many INFJs, when speaking of their fears, cited fear of abandonment alongside a fear of opening up to others and allowing themselves to be loved unreservedly.
Are INFJs emotionally attracted to others?
In reality, absorbing other people’s emotions is draining, so INFJs must get away from others to stop this process for a while and recharge. Being bombarded by other’s emotions also means it can be difficult for INFJs to tune into their own feelings.
Why do INFJs spend so much time alone?
Being bombarded by other’s emotions also means it can be difficult for INFJs to tune into their own feelings. Spending time alone allows INFJs to reconnect with their own emotions and reflect on them. As an INFJ, your ability to absorb others’ emotions is a super power that inspires incredible compassion and empathy for others.
Why do INFPs mirror each other so well?
Mature INFPs do this with incredible accuracy, because they’ve been mapping feelings within themselves their entire lives, explains Dodge. Because internally mirroring other’s emotions is so easy for INFPs, they may be surprised to learn that other people can’t come close to doing what they do.
How do INFJs react to conflict?
When conflict arises, especially in close relationships, the sensitive and emotional INFJ may become extremely distressed. They may have trouble sleeping or concentrating, perhaps even feeling the stress of the conflict physically in their bodies through headaches, muscle aches, an upset stomach, etc.