Could Luke and Vader have defeated the emperor?
No, not at the time of Return of the Jedi as he simply wasn’t skilled enough or powerful enough. Now in a way he did defeat the emperor, just not in direct combat. He defeated him by throwing away his lightsaber and refusing to give into the dark side which was Palpatine’s plan for him all along of course.
Did Vader really want to rule with Luke?
Vader is planning how to get Luke to fully fall to the Dark Side, and pledge loyalty not to Palpatine, but Vader. He wanted his son by his side, and even had some measure of affection for him, twisted though it may have been. His temptation of ruling the galaxy as father and son was exactly how he envisioned it.
Was Palpatine more powerful than Luke?
So luke is actually still the most powerful and strongest ever. He also stated that Luke had the same potential and would be what Anakin couldn’t because of the injuries from Kenobi. That means Luke was more powerful than Yoda, Palpatine, and Plagueis from your list.
Could Vader have killed the emperor?
A new comic has revealed that Darth Vader knew he could singlehandedly defeat Palpatine, before Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi. In a new comic it has been revealed that Darth Vader knew he could singlehandedly defeat Emperor Palpatine prior to Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi.
Does Darth Vader ever turn good?
Yes, he did turn back to the good side of the force at the end of Return of the Jedi. Now many will over complicate it by saying Anakin Skywalker returned or was resurrected within Vader and when that happened Darth Vader died and Anakin lived once more and so technically Vader didn’t turn to the good side lol…
Was Luke really stronger than Vader?
As a cyborg, (that’s what I’m calling it), Vader’s physical strength is much stronger than Luke’s. In terms of the force, Vader is DEFINITELY stronger. IN lightsaber combat, while it’s a relatively close fight, Vader is more experienced and more gifted. So, yes, Vader is much stronger.
Who’s stronger Luke or Anakin?
Potentially Anakin twice as powerful as Luke in the force. RotS Anakin is maybe, maybe, only better in physicals than Grandmaster Luke but not in lightsaber combat nor the force. Both in EU and in Canon, Luke is MUCH stronger, if you compare them at the height of their powers.
Does Darth Vader know who Luke Skywalker is?
The 1980 release dialogue implies Darth Vader knows who Luke is, but his hiding this information from the Emperor. But, in the 1980 release of The Empire Strikes Back the dialogue was released to the public as follows.
How did Darth Vader find out who destroyed the Death Star?
The answer to the aforementioned question shows that in Disney canon comics, Vader found out that the one who destroyed the Death Star was named “Luke Skywalker” only when he sent out Boba Fett on a personal investigation, which the Emperor did not know about.
Is Luke Skywalker the only untrained force sensitive Jedi?
Luke is notthe only untrained force-sensitive in the Galaxy!!! There are loads of other people in the Galaxy who are force-sensitive. Just because Vader realized that the Force was strong with the pilot who destroyed the Death Star doesn’t mean that it was automatically the spawn of Skywalker.