Can I find out who owns a domain name?
To find out who owns a domain, you can use a WHOIS lookup service. We will be using ICANN to find out the domain owner. To begin, open your browser and go to ICANN. Now, in the search box, enter the domain name that you want to search for.
How do I change my domain registrant name?
To transfer your domain name to another registrant, you can initiate a change of registrant by contacting your current registrar. Your registrar will then ask for your confirmation via a secure mechanism (which typically will take the form of an email to the registered name holder).
How do I contact the owner of a private domain?
Go to the website of the domain registrar (simply Google the name if it’s not included in the WHOIS record), and look for their contact information. Give them a call or write them an email letting them know what domain you’re interested in buying, and ask them to pass along your information to the owner.
What is a change of registrant?
A Change of Registrant (COR) is required in order to change the legal owner of an AU domain name. That is, the ABN/ACN/RBN/other eligibility type listed on the domain WHOIS information.
How do I find the Registrar of a domain name?
For information about the domain name, including the registrar name, conduct a WHOIS search at The registrar’s name will be included in the result.
How do I mask my contact information when I register a domain?
When you register a domain name, you may have the option to mask your some of your contact information using a privacy/proxy service. Contact your registrar to find out more about your options for masking your public contact information. You can use to see your domain name contact information which is publicly available.
Who is responsible for procuring a domain name server?
A domain name registrant is responsible for procuring or hosting his or her own name server if the registrar does not offer this service or he or she has opted out of the registrar’s service.
Why did my domain name not resolve to its intended location?
There are multiple reasons why a newly registered domain name does not resolve to its intended location. One of the most common reasons is that the registrant did not confirm the accuracy of their contact information with the registrar. When you register a domain name, you must give your registrar accurate and reliable contact information.