Why do aircraft carriers have starboard islands? “The Japanese realized that having all the planes turning in to land from the port side can create an air traffic jam when multiple carriers are in operation in the same area. So, they decided to mix in carriers with islands on the port side to spread the…
What is ease of doing business and how does it affect economy?
What is ease of doing business and how does it affect economy? Definition of ‘Ease Of Doing Business’ Description: It is computed by aggregating the distance to frontier scores of different economies. Indicators for which distance to frontier is computed include construction permits, registration, getting credit, tax payment mechanism etc. Countries are ranked as per…
Is an Emmy better than an Oscar?
Is an Emmy better than an Oscar? The Oscars are considered one of the most prestigious award shows in the world, and they are presented each year by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The Emmy Awards are also highly acclaimed, but the awards are distributed to distinguished individuals, shows, and series in…
Where did the word comrade originate from?
Where did the word comrade originate from? Do svidanya, comrade. The word “comrade” has its roots in the 16th-century French camarade/camerade and Spanish camarada, ultimately from the Latin camera (“chamber” – originally “chamberful”, then “chamber mate”). What is the meaning of dear comrade? noun. 1. a person who shares in one’s activities, occupation, etc.; companion,…
How did meat affect human evolution?
How did meat affect human evolution? Archaeological and palaeo-ontological evidence indicate that hominins increased meat consumption and developed the necessary fabricated stone tools while their brains and their bodies evolved for a novel foraging niche and hunting range, at least 3 million years ago. Why was meat-eating important for human evolution? Milton argues that meat…
Is a segment of DNA a gene?
Is a segment of DNA a gene? A gene is a segment of DNA that provides the code to construct a protein. What portion of the DNA is also known as a gene? The sequence of bases in a portion of a DNA molecule, called a gene, carries the instructions needed to assemble a protein….
How do I identify different types of mosquitoes?
How do I identify different types of mosquitoes? Males can be differentiated from females in a number of ways: antennae in males are bushier/hairier than females; males have pincer-like claspers (sexual organs) at the end of the abdomen; palps on either side of proboscis are long and generally of similar length to the proboscis in…
How much equity should I give my first investor?
How much equity should I give my first investor? The general rule of thumb for angel/seed stage rounds is that founders should sell between 10\% and 20\% of the equity in the company. These parameters weren’t plucked out of thin air, they’re based on what an early equity investor is looking for in terms of…
Is it OK to use different protein powders?
Is it OK to use different protein powders? Different protein powders can be mixed together. The proportion of mixture depends on the requirement of your body profile whether you want to gain weight or lose it. It is necessary to fulfill the protein profile as per need of the body. No, it’s not bad, if…
Does Apple hire neuroscientists?
Does Apple hire neuroscientists? Apple looking to hire a ‘senior systems neuroscientist’ for its Technology Development Team. You will work closely with scientists and engineers to rapidly design and carry out experiments to uncover insights that drive technology development. What is the work of neuroscientists? Neuroscientists focus on the brain and its impact on behavior…