What is HyperFlash memory? Spansion recently introduced a NOR flash that the company boasts is the: “World’s fastest NOR flash memory”. Named HyperFlash, the chip taps into high-speed SPI interface, doubling its width and adding a differential clock to run at an I/O rates as high as 333MB/s. What are the two types of flash…
Why is Microsoft Word so awful?
Why is Microsoft Word so awful? And Microsoft Word is an atrocious tool for Web writing. Its document-formatting mission means that every piece of text it creates is thickly wrapped in metadata, layer on layer of invisible, unnecessary instructions about how the words should look on paper. What word can I use instead of Word?…
What is the function of an emulsifier in food?
What is the function of an emulsifier in food? Emulsifiers are chemical compounds or their mixtures that allow the formation of a stable over time emulsion. The role of the emulsifier is to create stable micelles that are formed on the water-oil interface. Emulsifier particles accumulate at the interface of these phases, creating spherical structures….
What will be the future of operating system?
What will be the future of operating system? In the future, operating systems and information management tools will grow top-down. But operating systems have been traveling in the exact opposite direction, away from unity and simplicity. Today, most users’ documents are distributed over many computers (often three “main” ones: at home, at work and a…
Can a narcissist physically hurt you?
Can a narcissist physically hurt you? Sometimes, the narcissist doesn’t mean to hurt you. Being sensitive to everything is just how their brains work. And if they are — by their own logic — being attacked, they will bite back even harder. However, by their nature, they may also want to hurt you too, because…
How do you say happy in French feminine?
How do you say happy in French feminine? The French translation for “happy (feminine)” is heureuse. What is the meaning of Heureuse? • heureuse. → gladpleasedhappysatisfied. How do you say happy in French plural? Note: You can also use heureux with masculine plural nouns. For feminine plural nouns, add an ‘-s’: heureuses (euhr-euhz)….Here are some…
Do you wear handcuffs in a cell?
Do you wear handcuffs in a cell? Most prisoners are in the general population and may receive contact visits. Non-contact visits occur with a glass partition between the prisoner and his/her visitors. The prisoner is escorted in handcuffs by staff to the visit. Do police have to use handcuffs? The use of handcuffs by Police…
What is the difference between Marxist and Maoist?
What is the difference between Marxist and Maoist? Maoism and Marxism differ in the ways in which the proletariat are defined, and in which political and economic conditions would start a communist revolution. For Karl Marx, the proletariat were the urban working class, which was determined in the revolution by which the bourgeoisie overthrew feudalism….
What is the concept of beauty?
What is the concept of beauty? 1 : the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit : loveliness a woman of great physical beauty exploring the natural beauty of the island A thing of beauty is a joy forever…
Where in the Bible does it say you go to hell?
Where in the Bible does it say you go to hell? Jesus Christ says in Matthew 25:41, “Depart from me, ye cursed, into EVERLASTING FIRE, prepared for the devil and his angels.” In Matthew 13:42, Jesus says: “And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” HELL…