What kind of knife can I carry in California?
In California, it is legal to buy, own, transport, and carry any knife that is not restricted. The three most common types of knives — switchblades, folding knives, and fixed blade knives (also known as dirks and daggers) — have certain rules surrounding them and are explained in more detail below.
What kind of knife can you carry in public?
Citizens can carry any folding blade knife, but a fixed blade, such as a dagger or dirk, must be open-carry in a sheath at the waist. This law does not permit knives disguised as other objects. Automatic knives that exceed 2 inches in length are not permissible in any location open to the public, including in vehicles.
Where are throwing knives illegal?
In Kansas, Maryland, Indiana, and a few other states, it’s illegal to carry ballistic knives or throwing stars.
What are the laws about throwing knives in California?
Laws Against Throwing Knives in California 1 Throwing Knives. Knife throwing at targets is a sport, but throwing knives can also be dangerous weapons. 2 California State Laws About Knives. 3 Other Applicable Laws. 4 Penalties for Carrying Concealed Dirks or Daggers.
What is California’s Open-carry knife law?
California law, though, has an “ open-carry ” law for these knives. This means that a person may carry a dirk or dagger openly in public provided that: scissors. Carrying a concealed dirk or dagger is a wobbler in California. This means it can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. 1.2. Knives that may be carried either openly or concealed
Can you carry a knife on public property in California?
California law does impose restrictions on carrying knives into some places. These include: on certain federal property. 3.1. Knives in public buildings – PC 171b A violation of this law is a wobbler offense that can lead to up to three years in state prison.
Can you carry a knife in California with a dagger?
In terms of California law, the words “dirk” and “dagger” mean the same thing: a knife that can be readily used as a stabbing weapon. In California, Dirks and daggers and other sheath knives must be carried openly and cannot be concealed. What types of knives are illegal to carry in California?