What is the maximum number of topics each group can have?
Post topics can be created, edited and deleted only by admins and moderators, and each group can have up to 150 post topics.
How many Kafka topics do I need?
As a rule of thumb, if you care about latency, you should probably aim for (order of magnitude) hundreds of topic-partitions per broker node. If you have tens of thousands, or even thousands of partitions per node, your latency will suffer.
Can a Kafka broker have multiple topics?
Each Broker can have one or more Topics. Kafka topics are divided into a number of partitions, each partition can be placed on a single or separate machine to allow for multiple consumers to read from a topic in parallel.
How many messages can Kafka handle?
Aiven Kafka Business-4 benchmark results On Amazon Web Services, this plan handled about 135,000 messages per second while the same plan on Google Cloud Platform and Azure handled around 70,000.
What is the maximum number of topics I can have in each Flipgrid group?
Each grid can hold an unlimited number of topics and each topic can hold an unlimited number of responses.
How do Facebook topics work?
To create a topic in a group, add a hashtag to a keyword or phrase in a post. This turns topics and phrases into clickable links in your posts in a group and helps other group members find posts they’re interested in. Group members can add up to 30 topics per post.
Is it possible to delete a Kafka topic?
In the last few versions of Apache’s Kafka, deleting a topic is fairly easy. You just need to set one property in the configuration to ‘true’, and just issue a command to delete a topic. It’ll be deleted in no time.
Can a topic have multiple schemas?
When working with a combination of Confluent Schema Registry + Apache Kafka, you may notice that pushing messages with different Avro schemas to one topic was not possible. Starting with Confluent Schema Registry version 4.1.
What is replicas in Kafka?
Replication in Kafka happens at the partition granularity where the partition’s write-ahead log is replicated in order to n servers. Out of the n replicas, one replica is designated as the leader while others are followers. A message is committed only after it has been successfully copied to all the in-sync replicas.
Is it possible to delete a Kafka topic when the broker is down?
List the topics. As you may have noticed, kafka-topics.sh –delete will only delete a topic if the topic’s leader broker is available (and can acknowledge the removal). Since the broker 100 is down and currently unavailable the topic deletion has only been recorded in Zookeeper.
How many events per second can Kafka handle?
Apache Kafka is a distributed, replicated messaging service platform that serves as a highly scalable, reliable, and fast data ingestion and streaming tool. At Microsoft, we use Apache Kafka as the main component of our near real-time data transfer service to handle up to 30 million events per second.
Is Kafka faster than MQ?
Both Apache Kafka and IBM MQ allow systems to send messages to each other asynchronously, but they also have a few standout features that set them apart from each other. This method of communication makes Apache Kafka faster than most traditional message queue systems.
How does Kafka handle keyed messages?
When publishing a keyed message, Kafka deterministically maps the message to a partition based on the hash of the key. This provides a guarantee that messages with the same key are always routed to the same partition.
What happens when a Kafka broker fails?
When a broker fails, partitions with a leader on that broker become temporarily unavailable. Kafka will automatically move the leader of those unavailable partitions to some other replicas to continue serving the client requests. This process is done by one of the Kafka brokers designated as the controller.
Why choose Apache Kafka fully managed?
You love Apache Kafka, but not managing it. Our fully managed service means your best people can now focus on delivering value to your customers. No more cluster sizing, scaling, over provisioning, Zookeeper management or hardware. Rest assured with unlimited access to our Kafka experts and 99.95\% uptime SLA.
What’s new in Kafka for the cloud?
So, we’ve reimagined Kafka for the cloud and built it from the ground up – as a serverless, elastic, cost-effective and fully managed cloud native service. Confluent completes Kafka, with 120+ connectors, simplified data stream processing, enterprise security and reliability and zero to minimal operational effort.