What is passing marks out of 50 Pune University?
Out of 50- 20 marks are needed to pass for technical courses and for non technical courses,18 marks are required. This roughly translates to 36\% for non technical and 40\% for technical/sciences as can be seen from the notice below.
What does fail Atkt means in Pune University?
Allowed to keep terms (ATKT) is a process in the Indian education system to allow students of pre-graduation and graduation to study in the next grade if they have failed in 1 to 4 subjects. The students must pass the papers they failed before entering into the next grade.
What is Insem examination?
Student should reappear for the subject of inseam exam with the condition of ODD subjects with ODD Semester and EVEN subjects with EVEN Semester. This is as per the rule of SPPU. Students are allowed for minimum one and maximum five subject for each year, as per his/her choice.
Are SPPU exams Cancelled?
Savitribai Phule Pune University, SPPU has postponed the online first semester Pune University Exams 2021. The examination for all courses that were scheduled to begin from March 15 would now begin from April 11 onwards. The last date to fill up examination forms was till March 10.
What is the passing marks of hundred?
And the passing marks out of 100 is 33. Marks in internals and practicals are 20, 30, 40. Passing marks out of 20 is 6, that out of 30 is 9, and passing marks out of 40 is 13. Wherever the theory paper is of 60 marks, there the passing criteria in that paper is of 19 marks.
What is the passing marks of 70?
The passing marks for theory paper out of 80 are 26, out of 70 marks students need to attain 23 marks and out of 60 marks, 19 marks are required to pass the examination.
Does backlog affect career?
For example, getting backlogs and still reaching the finishing point, i.e., completing B.E. in 4 years will not affect your career graph or your future study prospects in any way. Similarly, if you have backlogs and manage to finish your B.E. in 5 years, it is still untroublesome.
Is Pune university exam online?
PUNE: Savitribai Phule Pune University’s semester end examinations have been proposed to be held in the second of January 2022. Officials indicated that since colleges have started offline classes, the university is also planning for a completely offline examination.
Will Pune university exams be conducted?
PUNE The Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) will conduct examinations “offline” for its next semester. The SPPU’s next semester commences from January 2022. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic all examinations held by the university have been online.
How can I contact Pune University?
Coordination Section
Dy. Registrar | dyregi-coordination@pun.unipune.ac.in | |
Assitant Registrar | 020-25601206 | |
Faculty of Arts | 020-25601218 | arts-coord @pun.unipune.ac.in |
Faculty of Mental moral and Social sciences | 020-25601218 | mentalmoral-coord @pun.unipune.ac.in |
Faculty of Science | 020-25601218 | science-coord@pun.unipune.ac.in |
What is the pass mark for engineering?
Engineering students under VTU have to get 50 out of 125 marks in a subject to pass. “The internal tests by the college are for 25 marks and the external exam has 100 marks. Students try to score at least 15 marks in the internals and 35 in the external exam.