How long was the trip from Tatooine to Alderaan?
50855 light years
When measuring and tallying everything up, the Tatooine to Alderaan route is 50855 light years long. (50855.07573743552 light years, actually.)
How fast can the Millennium Falcon travel?
Millennium Falcon | |
Maximum speed | 1050 km/h (652 mph; maximum earth-like atmospheric speed) 75 MGLT (megalight per hour; subluminal speed) 0.5 HCR Blackmarket Drive (hyperdrive class rating; superluminal speed) 10.0 HCR Stock Back-up Drive |
How long would it take the Millennium Falcon to cross the galaxy?
That being said, interstellar travel is a matter of hours to days of travel, not months to years. The Millennium Falcon, an exceptionally fast hyperdrive, makes it from Tatooine in the outer rim to the core world of Alderaan in anything from 10 minutes to a couple of hours, certainly less than a day.
How long does it take to travel between planets in Star Wars?
Assuming the Galaxy far, far away is roughly the size of the Milky Way, traveling between two planets on opposite sides would mean crossing roughly 100,000 light years, which takes light 100,000 years.
What was the fastest ship in Star Wars?
The Millenium Falcon is the fastest ship in the galaxy – just ask Han Solo, and he’ll tell you that she “made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.” According to Han, the Falcon has a Class 0.5 hyperdrive, which is definitely the fastest canon hyperdrive.
How fast is Lightspeed in Starwars?
In short, it’s a way for spaceships in the Star Wars universe to travel great distances in very little time. It should be clear that hyperspace travel is not at the speed of light. Light has a speed of 3 x 108 meters per second.
How did the Millennium Falcon lose its nose?
During the film “Solo” Han ejects the “nose” (escape pod) into the maelstrom to attempt to escape from a force that we sucking the Falcon into it. The current canonical explanation can be seen in Solo: A Star Wars Story.
How long would it take to travel 12 parsecs?
39.6 years
Because the shortened Kessel Run spans 12 parsecs (39.6 light-years), a ship traveling nearly light-speed would take a little more than 39.6 years to get there.
How fast did the Millennium Falcon make the Kessel Run?
twelve parsecs
Han Solo claimed that his Millennium Falcon “made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs”. A parsec is a unit of distance, not time.
Is there a ship faster than the Millennium Falcon?
With its infinite speed, the Heart of Gold is the fastest ship in the universe — any universe — and much faster than the Millennium Falcon.
What is the fastest TIE Fighter?
The Twin Ion Engine Interceptor, or the TIE/IN Interceptor, is the fastest model of the TIE line manufactured by the Sienar Fleet Systems for the Galactic Empire. The TIE Interceptor was employed by the Empire during the Battle of Endor, where its improved speed made it a deadly threat to many Rebel starships.
How fast is a Class 1 hyperdrive?
Class 1: 8ly/s can traverse the Galaxy in 16 hours.
How does Han Solo get from Tatooine to Alderaan?
As we see in the movie, the trip from Tatooine to Alderaan is made almost entirely and continuously via hyperspace; not in an irregular series of jumps like the Falcon ’s pursuit through the asteroid belt in The Empire Strikes Back. We can also infer that Han is flying the ship through hyperspace at top speed since A.)
What is the Millennium Falcon’s top speed?
The Millennium Falcon’s top speed is 25,000 light years per day, 1041.66 light years per hour. So there we have it.
Was George Lucas wrong about the speed of the Millennium Falcon?
George Lucas was only after making the statement that the Millennium Falcon isvery fast, not howfast it is. The mention of “Parsecs” is in all likely probability a mistake, with Lucas assuming that “Parsecs” had something to do with seconds, and “Par” being a prefix akin to kilo- or Mega-.
Could the Enterprise and the Falcon ever equal each other’s speed?
In my head, the Falcon and the Enterprise could equal each other’s speed if pushed to their limits, so it was surprising to see the Falcon leave it so completely in the dust. The Slate diagram admits that its speed for the Falcon is an assumption since the evidence for it is so scanty.