Which is better Google or Quora?
Strictly speaking, Google doesn’t give answers; they provide you with a list of places where you might be able to find them. Quora gives you answers but, of course, the quality of those answers depends on who is writing them. Overall, it just depends on what you want to know and where you prefer to read about it.
Why do people ask questions instead of using Google?
They want the opinion of someone they’re sure is an expert (or experts). They aren’t sure what they’re asking for is what they need. They want to be able to ask follow-up questions.
Why is Quora better than Google?
With Quora, the process is just as simple as Google’s: You type in the question you have and you receive an answer. The difference? You may have to wait a bit longer for the answers. With Google, you have access to thousands of results within a matter of seconds.
Why do people ask questions on Quora?
Because we are smart enough and mature enough to know that we do not know everything, so we ask questions to be better able to understand the world. Originally Answered: What’s the point of asking a question? It is in our human nature to seek answers as answers provide security.
How Quora is different from Google?
Google is a search engine that uses algorithms to find relevant information from multiple sources. It is a machine. Quora can function as a search site for certain questions and can give more direct answers (from users as opposed to other websites unless used as a credited source by the person answering the question).
Is Quora related to Google?
Quora, the popular question-and-answer website, has a long way to go to become a successful business. But it plans to get there without relying on Google. Founded in 2009 and led by former Facebook executive Adam D’Angelo, Quora has seen what happens to content sites that count on Google’s search engine for traffic.
Why do people ask questions online?
Because it enables people to do many things which would otherwise be much more unacceptable when done in public or in front of friends and family, this includes asking absurd, offensive or just plain stupid questions.
Why do people ask questions on Facebook when they can just Google it?
It’s also interesting to get different perspectives on something. Some questions have more than one good answer. Sometimes people just don’t want to dig through the vast amount of information you get if you google anything. They want it short, sweet and too the point.
How helpful is Quora?
The persons knowledge on particular topic increase. 3) By the daily use of quora a unfamiliar person of English can learn English and also become familiar with new words. 4)Many writer on quora provide information on in point not in paragraph so it become easy to read. Ideas of professional people very easily.
Why Quora is the best?
Quora is interesting, fun and engaging. It is a knowledge hub where people share their thoughts, insights as well as secrets! That’s right – controversial questions get some really controversial answers as well. That’s not all – even famous people have verified accounts on Quora.
Why is it important to ask questions?
Answering and asking questions is an important part of learning. We ask questions in order to learn more information about something, and we answer questions to provide more information. Believe it or not some questions are easier to ask/answer than others.
What are the benefits of asking questions?
Benefits of Effective Questioning
- Encourages students to engage with their work and each other.
- Helps students to think out loud.
- Facilitates learning through active discussion.
- Empowers students to feel confident about their ideas.
- Improves speaking and listening skills.
- Builds critical thinking skills.
Who can answer my questions on Quora?
Anyone can answer questions on Quora. Famous entrepreneurs, actors, notable investors, you name it – you will find answers from a wide range of people on the platform. As with anything in life, first impressions really count. Leaving your profile blank or not optimizing it is a wasted opportunity.
How do you organize your Quora writing drafts?
Group questions then batch answer: Say for example you know you are going to spend the afternoon writing Quora answers, decide which questions you will answer in that sitting, so you can build up a list of drafts and have 20+ ready to answer. You can even segment them into areas you are interested in. 3.
How long should a Quora post be?
Write how you speak. Don’t write academically: We are taught to write in longer paragraphs at school. However, when it comes to Quora, you will want to keep each paragraph short — 1 to 4 lines. Don’t write posts that are too short: Aim to write answers that are between 300-1000 words in length.
How can I add value to my Quora account?
Connect your account to Facebook, Twitter, etc., so that you can quickly share your posts. Now you could find your ‘value adding’ areas: e.g., by spending one hour searching Quora looking for areas/writers/ answers that resonate with you.