What to do when you want to take revenge?
Go for coffee or a movie and try to engage with your friends. This will help take your mind off your desires and make you feel happy, instead of stressed or angry. Let time pass. Over time, you will process your emotions, and the desire for revenge will become less intense.
Can revenge be justified?
The desire to take revenge may be justified by the incapacity of the legal system of justice to fully restore the previous situation; but we cannot appeal to justice for help; only for condonation. Revenge can never be part of the system of justice; nor can it be justified as ‘just’.
Is revenge ever justified?
What makes revenge justified?
Originally Answered: When is revenge justified? Revenge is justified when the person you are seeking revenge on did it intentionally. This can cause dilemmas as this can turn into an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a leg for a leg etc.
How can I feel at peace with my state of mind?
You create your state of mind by the things you do, and you cement that by the things you tell yourself. As long as I behave with integrity every day, I can feel at peace with myself. Things will always change. Life will sometimes be tough. People will say and do things that upset you.
How to find peace in Your Life?
Remember, your family is a true source of motivation, and spending quality time with them can help you find peace within yourself. No matter what you are doing and where you are living; after following the aforementioned ways, finding real peace to live a contented life wouldn’t be difficult for you.
How to achieve peace and self-esteem?
No one seemed to be giving me practical answers about how to achieve something I had been searching for all along: peace and self-esteem. But the answer was so simple. You create your state of mind by the things you do, and you cement that by the things you tell yourself.
How do you achieve inner peace?
Below you’ll find six ways to achieve inner peace. 1. Accept What Is. Whatever is happening in the present moment, say “yes” to it. Don’t resist it; don’t struggle against it; and don’t try to argue with it. The present is already here, and it is what it is.