What is the volume of a photon?
A photon has no volume in the sense that it can theoretically be confined in an arbitrarily small region of space.
What is the shape of a photon?
Photons have no shape – they are massless particles. They are just discrete packets of electromagnetic energy. Anything that travels at the speed of light has zero length.
Does a photon have a size?
Depending on the situation, sometimes the particle aspect is useful, and sometimes the wave aspect is. While photons don’t have a physical diameter, and can be treated as point particles, their quantum behavior gives them a probabilistic size. Under this definition there is no absolute “size” to a photon.
How many dimensions is a photon?
In the model I favor, the photon is not a point particle and it can be considered two dimensional. Specifically, the photon can be analogized to a Hopf fibration that moves at the velocity of light.
Is photon a wave or particle?
Einstein believed light is a particle (photon) and the flow of photons is a wave. The main point of Einstein’s light quantum theory is that light’s energy is related to its oscillation frequency.
What is the shape of light?
This is the shape of the form. But, at the same time, we also see a crescent shape of light. The crescent, and the tonal progression within the crescent, is the shape of the light. One of the things we do when we the paint the human head is convey the impression of the form of the head as a volume in space.
Is a photon 3 dimensional?
So, the photon has a three-dimensional motion, including a transition movement and a rotary motion. And it traverses in a helical trajectory. By using this definition, we have proved wave-particle duality at the same time and introduce a new equation for the photon motion and its energy.
Are photons 0 dimensional?
It is still of dimension zero. If you have difficulty visualizing this, think of a spark gap, where an electric field is applied.
What’s smaller than a photon?
nothing is smaller than a photon. It has no matter. we can’t see a photon. It has no matter.
What is the width of a photon?
The conclusion of this short discussion is that the perpendicular width of a photon doesn’t change with its frequency and is expected to be as small as 10−20 meters, based on well-proven Lorentz transformations.
Does photon have structure?
The photon structure function, in quantum field theory, describes the quark content of the photon. While the photon is a massless boson, through certain processes its energy can be converted into the mass of massive fermions.
Is a photon a particle or a wave?
Although photons exhibit properties of particles (and we know the size and mass of subatomic particles such as protons etc.), they also exist as a wave. This is known as wave particle duality. A 2-d surface can´t have volume so it´s meaningless in such a space, but area isn´t.
What is the diameter of a photon?
The diameter of the photon is around 10 -5 Angstrom, so much smaller than diameter of an atom
How do you mix photons to measure light?
The idea is to “mix” the photon to be measured with an intense laser pulse, allowing the photon and the pulse to interfere and either reinforce or cancel one another, depending on their shapes. The closer the shapes, the more likely it is that the photon will be detected.
What is the amplitude of single photon?
Surprisingly, single photons can also be generated in a variety of complex shapes. The difference is that the amplitude for a single photon doesn’t represent a definite value of the electric field strength; instead it’s associated with the probability of detecting the photon at each location and time.