What is elite corruption?
Elite capture is a form of corruption whereby public resources are biased for the benefit of a few individuals of superior social status in detriment to the welfare of the larger population.
Is elite worth watching?
Elite is no masterpiece but is one of those oddly satisfying, binge-worthy curiosities. Unlike most high school dramas, the series tempers its over-the-top plot twists with real human emotion by focusing on the kids and how growing up too fast can have devastating consequences.
How can governments make progress in the fight against corruption?
Here are five ways that citizens and governments can make progress in the fight against corruption: 1. End impunity Effective law enforcement is essential to ensure the corrupt are punished and break the cycle of impunity, or freedom from punishment or loss.
Are our political leaders being kept in line by federal corruption law?
Our political leaders are no longer kept in line by federal corruption law. They do not need to worry that if they bend over backwards to accommodate a donor’s wishes, it could spark a bribery charge. Want to write? Write an article and join a growing community of more than 133,100 academics and researchers from 4,144 institutions.
How can civil society support the enforcement of anti-corruption laws?
Successful enforcement approaches are supported by a strong legal framework, law enforcement branches and an independent and effective court system. Civil society can support the process with initiatives such as Transparency International’s Unmask the Corrupt campaign.
Is public corruption legal in the United States?
After years of the Supreme Court narrowing even minimal protections against public corruption, the U.S. now has a system where what looks like bribery and corruption to the public is, in most cases, not illegal. Our political leaders are no longer kept in line by federal corruption law.