What is a work profile and how does it work?
A work profile separates work apps and data on an Android device from personal apps and data.
What is work profile in Android Enterprise?
Android Enterprise. A work profile separates work apps and data on an Android device from personal apps and data. By default, work profile notifications and icons for apps installed in a work profile are marked with a work badge (briefcase icon) so you can distinguish them from personal apps.
How do I find my work profile on Android?
Go to Settings > Accounts. If you have a work profile, it’s listed in the Work section. On some devices, work profiles are also listed directly in Settings. How do I access my work apps? Note: Some of these steps work only on Android 9.0 and up. Learn how to check your Android version.
Who is the owner of the work profile on my Device?
If you use an Android 8.0+ fully managed device, your administrator can choose to create a separate work profile on the device. In this case, your IT department is the owner of both the device and the work profile.
How do I set up a work profile?
To learn how to set up a work profile, see Create a work profile and enroll your device. Work apps are marked with a briefcase badge, while personal apps do not have a briefcase badge. Some screen readers and voice assistants identify work apps by saying “work” before the app name.
What is enenabling a work profile?
Enabling a work profile allows organizations to manage the business data and apps they care about, but leave everything else on a device under the user’s control. Administrators control work profiles, which are kept separate from personal accounts, apps, and data.
What is a YouTube profile?
Just like your music and videos, your Profile is an extension of your creative expression. We want fans to see who you are when they’re engaging with your work across YouTube. On YouTube, your images may be used on:
Do profprofiles with a profile photo receive more views?
Profiles with a profile photo receive 14 times more views than those without a profile photo. Moreover, with a professional profile photo you are 36 times more likely to receive a message.