How many ways the letters of the word equation can be arranged if the vowels and consonants always occur together?
= 2419200 How many ways the letters of the word EQUATION can be arranged if the vowels and consonants always occur together? Solution : There are 8 letters in the word ‘EQUATION of which 5 are vowels 3 are consonants.
How many words can be formed from the letters of the word combination that the vowels come together?
Hence, the answer is 462.
How many arrangements can be formed by the letters of the word vowels if there is no restriction?
= 24 ways. There are 2 vowels which are O, E. Consider this group. The group of vowels can also be arranged in 2!
How many 3 letter code words can be formed if at least one of the letters is to be chosen from the vowels?
The third letter can also be any one of 26, leading to 26 * 26 (or 26 ^ 2) combinations for each vowel. The total number of 3-letter combinations is then 5 * 26 * 26 = 3,380 combinations.
How many arrangements can be made from the word EQUATION?
120*24=2,880 such arrangements.
How many arrangements of the word EQUATION are there?
The word “Equation” has 8 letters all of which are unique. For the letters in between the end letters, there are 6 of them (5 vowels and the one consonant we didn’t use) and can be placed anywhere. That’s 6! =720 .
How many arrangements can be formed with letters of word gangapur?
×(2!) =10080.
How many arrangements can be made with the letters of the word mathematics?
The word MATHEMATICS consists of 2 M’s, 2 A’s, 2 T’s, 1 H, 1 E, 1 I, 1 C and 1 S. Therefore, a total of 4989600 words can be formed using all the letters of the word MATHEMATICS. Therefore, a total of 453600 words which begin with C can be formed using all the letters of the word MATHEMATICS.
How many words can be formed from the letters of the word article?
We can form 144 words with the letters of the word ARTICLE where vowels occupy the even places and consonants the odd places.
How many different arrangements can be formed from the letters of the word permutation if each arrangement can be formed ends with letter A?
There are 15,120 ways.
How many arrangements can be made of three letters chosen from peat if the first letter is a vowel and each arrangement contains three different letters?
If the first letter is a vowel we have three choices, followed by five for a consonant, two for a second vowel, four for a second consonant, one for the last vowel and three for the last consonant. We multiply this to obtain 3 x 5 x 2 x 4 x 1 x 3 = 360.
How many three letter arrangements are there of the letters taken from the word silly?
The answer is 33.