How did Zack Fair survive?
However, now that destiny has been altered, Aerith in FF7 Remake may survive in the new timeline. The confusing story element presented in FF7 Remake is Zack surviving his encounter with the Shinra army. In the events of the original game, Zack Fair sacrificed his life to save Cloud from Shinra.
How many soldiers did Zack fair fight?
In the Crisis Core (PSP) game, Zack Fair fought and defeated not one SOLDIER but two – Genesis and Angeal. Well, he didn’t physically defeat Genesis but did make him “commit suicide” by throwing himself off a cliff.
Is Cloud really a soldier first class?
Cloud was never a SOLDIER. He apparently joined the Shinra security forces, but couldn’t make it into the SOLDIER program. His memories of being a SOLDIER are false, formed of an amalgam of his own experiences and those of his friend Zack.
Why did Cloud not make soldier?
Why didn’t the cloud make soldiers? – Quora. Cloud was not younger than Zack when he attempted to join the soldiers, and he was more than physically fit to train the soldier. The problem is his banished childhood and his failure to adequately save Tifa on Mount Nibel has practically destroyed his confidence.
Is Zack alive in the ff7 remake?
All of that is about to change, however, as the ending of Final Fantasy 7 Remake has done the unthinkable and brought Zack back to life as a result of Sephiroth pitting the protagonists against fate itself. Zack, along with some members of Avalanche, are now alive in a period where they would normally be dead.
Is Zack still alive ff7 remake?
How old is Zack in ff7?
Zack Fair’s exact birthday remains a mystery, but his age is around 23. Zack is one of the taller characters in the entire game, towering over Cloud by 7 inches, standing at around 6’2″.
What’s wrong with Cloud Strife?
Surfacing at Mideel a week later, Cloud had been subjected to intense mako poisoning within the lifestream, leaving him paralyzed and incoherent, in a state similar to when Zack rescued him from Shinra Manor a year before. Tifa found him and stayed to care for him while the rest of the party fought Shinra.
Will Zack be in FF7 Remake Part 2?
We all knew that Zack Fair didn’t survive in the original game but in the remake, he appears to be alive. The creators will be shedding some light on that as he will be playing a prominent role in the upcoming Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2.
Is Zack a Cloud?
In Final Fantasy VII, Zack only appears in flashback sequences that portray him as almost identical to Cloud Strife, but the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII expands upon his character. Zack is a 1st Class SOLDIER and Cloud’s best friend during their time working for the Shinra Electric Power Company.
What is the story of finalzack’s final stand?
Zack’s Final Stand is a pivotal moment in the Final Fantasy VII universe where Zack Fair, previously a popular First Class SOLDIER of Shinra Electric Power Company, attempts to return to Midgar to see his love, Aerith Gainsborough.
Why do Final Fantasy characters die?
Heroes have died in the fight against evil, NPCs have given their lives so that the main characters can continue their quest, and former villains have sacrificed themselves in order to make amends for their deeds. Some of the most memorable Final Fantasy moments of all time have involved the death of a character.
What happened to Josef in Final Fantasy?
Josef’s sacrifice gives him a unique accolade in the Final Fantasy series: he is the first playable character to suffer a permanent death. In the early days of the Internet, lines from badly translated video games were quoted as often as classic Simpsons episodes.
What is the significance of the final stand in Final Fantasy VII?
Zack’s Final Stand is a pivotal moment in the Final Fantasy VII series where Zack Fair, previously a First Class SOLDIER of the Shinra Electric Power Company, attempts to return to Midgar. The scene serves as a crucial story element for both Zack and Cloud Strife, symbolizing the heroes’ fight for freedom.