Is it illegal to join a Zoom meeting without permission? According to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, it is a criminal offense to access computers without authorization. In the same sense, accessing a video meeting that you do not have authorization for makes Zoombombing illegal as well. Can you join a Zoom meeting if…
Category: Questions
What is dark matter made of?
What is dark matter made of? These possibilities are known as massive compact halo objects, or “MACHOs”. But the most common view is that dark matter is not baryonic at all, but that it is made up of other, more exotic particles like axions or WIMPS (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). What could dark matter be?…
How does drive thru work at Target?
How does drive thru work at Target? Drive Up allows you to order items from the Target app, and we’ll bring them out to your car when you arrive at the designated drive up parking spaces at your local Target store. Drive Up is available on the Target app for iOS and Android only. Please…
What is the most expensive pet to take care of?
What is the most expensive pet to take care of? 1. Horses. Not surprisingly, horses come out on top, price-wise, thanks to hefty expenses like boarding, stable help and food—on top of trainers, saddles, hoof care and vet visits. All told, the total annual costs can be upwards of $13,000. How much does the most…
What do you do if you find a spider in your room?
What do you do if you find a spider in your room? What Should You Do If You Find a Spider in Your House? Don’t Panic. Chances are, it’s not venomous: Few of the 40,000 known spider species can harm humans, Sewlal says by email. If You’re Bitten, Trap the Spider. Document Your Visitor. If…
What is the boot key for Compaq laptop?
What is the boot key for Compaq laptop? Compaq Computers/Laptops Manufacturer Models Boot Menu Key Compaq Presario Esc, F9 How do I enter BIOS on HP Compaq? Using the BIOS setup utility To open the BIOS Setup utility, turn on the computer and immediately press the F10 key repeatedly, about once every second, until the…
How do I choose an emotional support cat?
How do I choose an emotional support cat? To officially qualify for an emotional support cat, you must get an ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional stating your need for an ESA. If you suffer from anxiety, depression, panic attacks, PTSD, or any number of mental illnesses you may already qualify for an…
What Greek god dies every day?
What Greek god dies every day? Prometheus His actions gave humanity some protection from the things in the dark and according to Zeus, caused the Greek gods to lose their hold on the world. As an act of revenge, Zeus chained Prometheus to a mountain somewhere in Europe and cursed him to die everyday and…
How has Arizona been affected by climate change?
How has Arizona been affected by climate change? Arizona’s climate is changing. The state has warmed about two degrees (F) in the last century. Throughout the southwestern United States, heat waves are becoming more common, and snow is melting earlier in spring. As the climate warms, less precipitation falls as snow, and more snow melts…
What is it like to be an English teacher in South Korea?
What is it like to be an English teacher in South Korea? I felt comfortable walking around alone, even at night. With great pay, paid leave, free accommodation and flight reimbursement, teaching English in South Korea offers a lot to work with if you’re wanting to travel more. Grace got to explore the tropical beaches…