Does dropping a class affect your SAP? Does a withdrawal affect SAP? Yes, withdrawing from class can impact your SAP status, as it affects your Cumulative Pace/Completion Rate. When a student withdraws from a class, those credits count as attempted and not completed. Will my fafsa change if I drop a class? When you withdraw…
Category: Questions
What is the difference between ESTP and Enfp?
What is the difference between ESTP and Enfp? ENFPs and ESTPs are both charismatic and adaptable personalities; however, ENFPs are generally emotionally intuitive and creative, while ESTPs are objective and present-focused. ENFPs should communicate directly with ESTPs. ESTPs should address ENFPs in a kind, encouraging tone. Do ESTPs and ENFPs get along? ESTP and ENFP…
How have our rights evolved over time in Canada?
How have our rights evolved over time in Canada? In Canada, new protections for human rights have evolved over time and multiplied. The Canadian Bill of Rights was passed in 1960 under the leadership of Prime Minister John Diefenbaker. It outlined fundamental freedoms and equality rights and was the first example of human rights law…
How can you tell the difference between INFJ and INFP?
How can you tell the difference between INFJ and INFP? INFJs are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. INFPs are guided by principles, whereas INFJs use logic. While INFPs are free-spirited and even flighty, INFJs are self-disciplined and make decisions easily. And finally, INFPs are open-minded, curious, and tolerant of different ideas. Why do I switch…
Why do optical fibers need cladding?
Why do optical fibers need cladding? Cladding: The function of the cladding is to provide a lower refractive index at the core interface in order to cause reflection within the core so that light waves are transmitted through the fiber. What is the purpose of cladding in fiber optic cables quizlet? The cladding maintains the…
Who is the DC equivalent of Thor?
Who is the DC equivalent of Thor? Viking Prince is DC’s version of Thor. Both are rooted in Norse mythology, and both have ties to Odin. Is there a Thor in DC Comics? Thor Odinson (1985 – 2011) DC Comics has published several homages to this character. The original was Wandjina of the Champions of…
Is it safe to road trip with a 1 month old?
Is it safe to road trip with a 1 month old? When can a baby safely travel by car? Your newborn probably arrived home by car, so there are no real restrictions on road trips, other than the general reminder about immune-system development. However, everyone will probably need a break every hour or so for…
Are books dying out?
Are books dying out? The article said that books are dying; the research said—to me, at least—that we are a nation of readers. The glass is far more than half full. Sales of physical books have increased every year since 2013, and were up 1.3\% in 2018 compared to the previous year. Are books becoming…
Does France have the most military victories?
Does France have the most military victories? According to British historian Niall Ferguson, France is the most successful military power in history. The French participated in 50 of the 125 major European wars that have been fought since 1495; more than any other European state. Out of 169 battles fought since 387BC, they have won…
What happens if you eat too much salt in one sitting?
What happens if you eat too much salt in one sitting? Eating too much salt can have a range of effects. In the short term, it may cause bloating, severe thirst, and a temporary rise in blood pressure. In severe cases, it may also lead to hypernatremia, which, if left untreated, can be fatal. What…