What are the 3 theories of plate tectonics? The three types of plate boundaries are divergent, convergent, and transform. They are described in the following three concepts. Most geological activity takes place at plate boundaries. How was it similar and different from the theory of plate tectonics? The difference between continental drift and plate tectonics…
Category: Questions
Does birth control affect partner choice?
Does birth control affect partner choice? Summary: The contraceptive pill may disrupt women’s natural ability to choose a partner genetically dissimilar to themselves, research has found. The contraceptive pill may disrupt women’s natural ability to choose a partner genetically dissimilar to themselves, research at the University of Liverpool has found. Does birth control change who…
Why is so much of Africa underdeveloped?
Why is so much of Africa underdeveloped? The lack of transparency, accountability, safety and the rule of law; the often bloated public sectors and squeezed small businesses; patriarchy masquerading as religion and culture; high unemployment rates and, recently, jihadism destabilising the Sahel region – all these factors are keeping Africans poor. Does Africa lack natural…
Do I have to tell my landlord if someone moves out?
Do I have to tell my landlord if someone moves out? If someone is going to be living with you, then you must inform your landlord. If you don’t inform them then you could end up voiding your tenancy or making sections of it invalid. Honesty is the best policy here, and the relationship between…
Can a 2mm kidney stone get stuck in ureter?
Can a 2mm kidney stone get stuck in ureter? Even small, 1-2mm stones can cause obstruction of the ureter. The resulting pressure on the kidney results in pain and usually detectable kidney swelling or hydronephrosis. What happens if a kidney stone is stuck in the ureter? Sometimes, the kidney stone can travel down the ureter,…
Does Apple notes sync with Evernote?
Does Apple notes sync with Evernote? How Evernote Works. All of your content is stored in notes. Your content is synced with the Evernote servers and is available on all of your devices that you have Evernote installed on. Evernote is available on Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, and in any web browser. Are Apple notes…
Are Egyptians related to Berbers?
Are Egyptians related to Berbers? The contemporaries of the ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians and Greek colonists were Berbers. Culturally and linguistically the closest to the Libyans were the Numidians. Ethnically, Libyans and Numidians were, despite their very similar language, independent peoples with their own cultural profile. What ethnicity were ancient Egyptian? They were not Europeans, but…
Why is Russia not part of Asia?
Why is Russia not part of Asia? Most of Russia’s territory belongs to the Asian continent, but most of the country’s people reside in Europe. The historical heartland of Russia also lies in Europe. The country expanded its territory into Asia due to imperial conquests. Does Russia take part in Asian Games? Various countries participating…
What happens if you listen to classical music everyday?
What happens if you listen to classical music everyday? It reduces stress levels Scientists say that classical music may help reduce stress by lowering cortisol levels in the body and in one study, pregnant women reported that listening to classical music every week relieved their stress and anxiety. What is the best app for classical…
What is the most difficult in C++?
What is the most difficult in C++? The most complicated feature of C++ is templates, because of their power and awkward syntax. It isn’t hard to use pre-written ones, and it isn’t hard to write a simple templated class or function, but C++ templates are a compiler-executed Turing-complete language. What is the hardest coding? Top…