Is it bad if I only eat 800 calories a day? In addition, consuming as few as 800 calories daily may not give you the energy you need for daily living and regular physical activity, especially if you eat the same foods every day. Talk to your doctor or dietitian to make sure you get…
Category: Popular guidelines
How do you choose your mentor?
How do you choose your mentor? How to choose a mentor Pick a mentor who shares your values and definition of success. Find someone who has attained specific goals that you are aiming for. Look for someone able and willing to build new relationships. Select a mentor who has differences that can challenge you. Meet…
Which colleges in Mumbai accept JEE Mains score?
Which colleges in Mumbai accept JEE Mains score? ICT Mumbai – Institute of Chemical Technology. VJTI Mumbai – Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute. KJ Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai. SPIT Mumbai – Sardar Patel Institute of Technology. Sir JJ College of Architecture, Mumbai. Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai. Does spce Mumbai accept JEE mains? The institute…
Are squirrels born with whiskers?
Are squirrels born with whiskers? They are born pink, blind and hairless. The first hair to develop is the whiskers. Squirrels grow slowly. They are dependent on their mother for six weeks. Do squirrels remember you? While squirrels born in the wild may not be particularly friendly, they do seem to remember their human hosts….
Can the UK opt out of the Irish backstop?
Can the UK opt out of the Irish backstop? The withdrawal agreement says that the UK and the EU could get rid of the backstop requirements, but only if both the UK and the EU agree it’s not necessary to avoid a hard border in Ireland. In other words, the UK couldn’t opt out of…
Are houses in Finland expensive?
Are houses in Finland expensive? Housing costs vary a lot in Finland. On average, about one-fifth of Finns’ net income goes to housing. However, rents vary in the range of €10–30 per m². The average cost of owner-occupied homes in Finland is €2,100 per m², but homes are much more expensive in large cities. Can…
What do you study to be an actuary?
What do you study to be an actuary? So, what do you need to know? finance. microeconomics. macroeconomics. three semesters of calculus. one semester of linear algebra. two semesters of calculus-based probability and statistics. actuarial science courses, as available. computer science courses. Is studying actuary hard? The courses are quantitative and intellectually demanding. Students require…
Was the Garden of Eden in the Sahara?
Was the Garden of Eden in the Sahara? The real Garden Of Eden has been traced to the African nation of Botswana, according to a major study of DNA. For 70,000 years, our ancestors thrived in the area before changes in climate turned what was Africa’s largest lake into what is now the Kalahari Desert….
How easy is it for an English speaker to learn Icelandic?
How easy is it for an English speaker to learn Icelandic? In fact, Icelandic has been consistently ranked as one of the hardest languages for English speakers to learn as a result of the archaic vocabulary and complex grammar. Icelandic is an Indo-European language, belonging to Germanic roots, and is also closely related to Norwegian…
Does college really matter for placement?
Does college really matter for placement? Hello divyansh, typically placement depends on both college and you skills. If you do not have the proper skillset that the company is demanding then the college would not aid you in getting that job. But if you have ample skillset then you wouln’t be dependent on the college…