What are political parties supposed to do? A political party is made up of individuals who organize to win elections, operate government, and influence public policy. In 1946, the Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress proposed that each house of Congress create party policy committees to develop a “unity of command” in Congress. Why…
Category: Popular guidelines
Can I have 2 Paytm accounts with KYC?
Can I have 2 Paytm accounts with KYC? A. Your KYC can be done against only one mobile number. In case you want to update mobile number against an existing KYC account, you can simply login using your existing mobile number and tap on your name in the navigation pane on the left. What are…
What is opposite word?
What is opposite word? The word which is a pronoun that means what one? It may also be used to introduce restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses. There are no categorical antonyms for this word. Is evilness a word? 1. The quality of being morally bad or wrong; wickedness. What is a worse word than evil? 1…
What animals have 8 legs?
What animals have 8 legs? Spiders, scorpions, mites, ticks, whip scorpions, and pseudoscorpions are all arachnids that can be found in Everglades National Park. Unlike insects, arachnids have eight legs and no antennae, and their body is divided into two main segments: a cephalothorax and abdomen. Are spiders the only ones with 8 legs? Myth:…
Do pilots see other planes?
Do pilots see other planes? Answer: No, the pilots and air traffic controllers know when airplanes will pass each other. There are strict separation standards to ensure that a safe margin is maintained. While a passing airplane may look close, it is actually distant. What happens if you fly through a cloud? Flying an airplane…
Who would win in a fight Itachi or Jiraiya?
Who would win in a fight Itachi or Jiraiya? Despite that, Jiraiya was, undoubtedly, weaker than Itachi. Even though Itachi did say that a fight against Jiraiya would lead to both of them killing each other, the statement was merely for the purpose of avoiding conflict where he could since his intentions were always good….
How do you convert base 2 to Base 10 in python?
How do you convert base 2 to Base 10 in python? Convert a binary number(base 2) to the integer(base 10) in Python Syntax: int(x = binary_string,base = 2) . Parameters: x = binary string(can be hexadecimal, octal), base = the base of the string literal. Returns: Integer form of the binary string representation. How do…
How do you deal with an explosive parent?
How do you deal with an explosive parent? Note these tips will apply to dealing with angry people in general too, not just family members. Pick your battles. Pick opportune times to talk to them. Shield yourself from their anger. Understand why they are angry. Show them love; Speak in their language of love. Use…
Can a 15 year old run away from home?
Can a 15 year old run away from home? There is no law that states a person under age eighteen running away from home is committing a crime. Minors who run away from home can be detained by police and returned to a legal guardian. In California, there is no legal consequence for a minor…
Why does the Equator have two summers and two winters?
Why does the Equator have two summers and two winters? The weather is basically the same year round, hot and humid. There are a few months October to January where it’s a little rainier than the other months but that’s about it. Due to the revolution of the Earth around the Sun, in the North…