Do you tip enterprise when they pick you up? Most Enterprise drivers don’t expect a tip, so it’s a pleasant surprise. They should be tipped just like cab drivers. Does Enterprise always charge a drop fee? The drop charge fee varies by rental location, return location, and time of year. If there is a drop…
Category: Lifehacks
Can you get good at martial arts without sparring?
Can you get good at martial arts without sparring? You cannot learn martial arts without sparring. You can learn to kick, block, punch, parry and make different moves without sparring but to know how it works in a real environment you have to do sparring. It is not an actual fight but is a practice…
Do Japanese have movies about ww2?
Do Japanese have movies about ww2? Beyond those two excellent movies, there’s a plethora of Japanese WWII movies made by Japanese studios, primarily for Japanese audiences. Besides being more directly reflective of Japan’s public discourse, these Japanese-made WWII movies cover an even wider range of topics than American co-productions. Is there any movie based on…
Can we use Bluetooth in iOS simulator?
Can we use Bluetooth in iOS simulator? 7 Answers. The simulator does support Bluetooth Low Energy (4.0) according to this appnote from Apple. Does iOS support classic Bluetooth? Do I need to join the MFi Program? No. iOS app developers do not need to join the MFi Program. Everything app developers need is in the…
Do antitrust laws break up monopolies?
Do antitrust laws break up monopolies? Antitrust laws are applied to a wide range of questionable business activities, including but not limited to market allocation, bid rigging, price fixing, and monopolies. Below, we take a look at the activities these laws protect against. Do antitrust laws deal with monopolies? The antitrust laws prohibit conduct by…
What are LED lights and how do they work?
What are LED lights and how do they work? An LED bulb produces light by passing the electric current through a semiconducting material—the diode—which then emits photons (light) through the principle of electroluminescence. Don’t let that big word scare you! It essentially means that a material (in this case, the diode) casts light when power…
Why is there no transmission dipstick?
Why is there no transmission dipstick? Automatic transmissions which use World Standard (WS) fluid are sealed and do not consume fluid. This eliminates the need for periodic fluid checking using a dipstick. The transmission fluid does not need to be replaced unless an inspection shows it has become necessary. Do some cars not have a…
How much does coal electricity cost?
How much does coal electricity cost? In 2020, the average delivered price of coal to the electric power sector was $36.14 per short ton, which includes both spot and contract purchases. What is the price difference between electricity produced from solar power and by coal burning plants? Electricity from fossil fuels costs between 5 and…
Why am I growing a beard but Im a girl?
Why am I growing a beard but Im a girl? Women develop excessive body or facial hair due to higher-than-normal levels of androgens, including testosterone. All females produce androgens, but the levels typically remain low. Certain medical conditions can cause a woman to produce too many androgens. Is it normal to grow a beard as…
Are PS1 games still being made?
Are PS1 games still being made? The PlayStation, also known as the PS1 or PSX, is no longer in production since March 31st 2005, which is more than eleven years ago as I’m writing this. Therefore, it’s no longer possible to buy any first-hand PS1 consoles in stores. What was the last game released for…