Who is the largest exporter of gems and Jewellery from India? United States accounted for the highest value in the export of precious gems and jewelry from India in fiscal year 2021 at over 640 billion Indian rupees. Which product is best for export from India? List of profitable products to export from India Precious…
Category: Lifehacks
What to say when Cop Says Do you know how fast you were going?
What to say when Cop Says Do you know how fast you were going? The officer might ask “Do you know why I stopped you?” If you answer at all, your answer should always be “No.” Similarly, if the officer asks “Do you know how fast you were going?,” the best answer is “Yes.” The…
What software is used in loyalty programs?
What software is used in loyalty programs? Customer Loyalty Program Software Kangaroo FrontRunners 2021. Annex Cloud. TapMango FrontRunners 2021. Preferred Patron Loyalty. Salesforce Experience Cloud. Open Loyalty. WeGift. Zinrelo. How do you create a loyalty program? Steps to develop a customer loyalty program Study your current customers. Here are some questions to ask about each…
What is the difference between a query and a filter?
What is the difference between a query and a filter? Filters: The output from most filter clauses is a simple list of the documents that match the filter….Differences between Queries and Filters: Queries Filters Using filters after performing a Query is faster compare to others. But using a Query after filter is not worth it….
How do you find area with diameter?
How do you find area with diameter? The formula for the area A as a function of the diameter d of a circle is given by A = π (d/2)^2. What is the area of 12 diameter? ≈113 . First you need to find the radius, the key term to find the radius is diameter=2⋅radius…
Why do companies need to constantly grow?
Why do companies need to constantly grow? Growth isn’t just important for a company—it’s absolutely essential. Without continued growth, operations will stagnate. This can result in lowered standards of quality for products or services, decreased customer service, poor employee morale, and a host of other issues. Why do companies focus on growth? Growth is crucial…
Which is expensive red or white sandalwood?
Which is expensive red or white sandalwood? Since the supply of red sandalwood is much less than the white variety, its price is higher than the white. Which sandalwood tree is costly? The Indian sandalwood tree (Santalaum album) is perhaps the planet’s most expensive wood, because of its cosmetic and therapeutic value. There is huge…
Is cotton rope bad for dogs?
Is cotton rope bad for dogs? If your dog is chewing on a rope toy, he’s likely eating parts of that rope toy, too. Swallowing strands of rope is much more dangerous than eating chunks of rubber, plastic, or cotton stuffing. Vets describe these strands as “linear foreign bodies,” which are the most harmful objects…
How is cirrhosis of the liver treated with edema?
How is cirrhosis of the liver treated with edema? A build-up of fluid in your tummy area (ascites) or legs and ankles (peripheral oedema) is a common complication when cirrhosis progresses. The main treatments are cutting out salt from your diet and taking a type of medicine called a diuretic, such as spironolactone or furosemide….
Why is the theory of plate tectonics not a hypothesis?
Why is the theory of plate tectonics not a hypothesis? The theory of plate tectonics does not give a precise prediction of the rate or direction of plate movements. The plate movements first proposed under the theory of continental drift hypothesis rapid and sudden massive movements of the continents in the past. So the theory…