How do I avoid paying tax on interest income? The details of TDS deducted on Fixed Deposit Interest is in the Form 26AS. If your total income is below the taxable limit, you can avoid tax deduction on fixed deposits by submitting Form 15G and Form 15H to the bank requesting them not to deduct…
Category: Lifehacks
What are the aliens in the cantina?
What are the aliens in the cantina? Fun fact #1: Ponda Baba’s blood was made from raspberry yogurt and red tempera paint. The bald-headed, blue-green alien pair in the cantina that most closely resemble the old-school, stereotypical “alien look” are known as Duros. They weren’t always Duros, of course. Why are there no droids in…
Can you link 2 laptops with USB cable?
Can you link 2 laptops with USB cable? A very easy way to connect two PCs is to use a USB-USB cable. By connecting two PCs with a cable like this, you can transfer files from one PC to another, and even build a small network and share your Internet connection with a second PC….
Why is there no 303 British ammo?
Why is there no 303 British ammo? Because it was discontinued by the British army in the early 50’s. There are some manufacturers like Winchester who still produce it and it probably is possible to buy cartridge cases and bullet heads so one can home load it. What’s the difference between 3030 and 303? The…
What was the best biplane of ww1?
What was the best biplane of ww1? A total of 1,700 aircraft were produced by the end the war. When it entered service, the Fokker D. VII proved to be a formidable aircraft. Pilots praised the aircraft’s handling and ease-of-operation and it was shown to have superior performance over Allied fighters. Who has the best…
What does homogenous language mean?
What does homogenous language mean? adjective. Learner’s definition of HOMOGENEOUS. [more homogeneous; most homogeneous] somewhat formal. : made up of the same kind of people or things. What is homogeneity in language? 1 : the quality or state of being of a similar kind or of having a uniform structure or composition throughout : the…
Why does Unohana have to die?
Why does Unohana have to die? Unohana was still technically the Kenpachi. She was Kenpachi number 9. He had to kill her. Her fighting spirit would have not let her just lie down, so she had to fight him. Was retsu Unohana evil? When Captain Kyoraku reveals her true identity, Unohana revert to her very…
Were Iran and Iraq the same country?
Were Iran and Iraq the same country? Iraq and Iran are separate nations with unique histories. Although they are both located in the Middle East with predominantly Muslim populations, their governments and cultures differ, making for two unique nations, each on their way to independence, peace, and prosperity. What is the problem between Iran and…
Why does drag coefficient decrease with increasing velocity?
Why does drag coefficient decrease with increasing velocity? As the velocity increased you induced turbulent conditions which caused the flow to re-attach or the separation point to move further to the rear reducing the loss due to the separation. So, the drag coefficient fell. Does drag coefficient decrease with velocity? Drag force is proportional to…
Can you eject at Mach 3?
Can you eject at Mach 3? Supersonic ejections are dangerous — and the faster the flight the worse it is. During a Mach 3 flight, his right engine suddenly died. The enormous thrust from the left engine put the plane into an uncontrollable spin. It began to literally disintegrate around him and the flight test…