How does El Nino affect the Indian Ocean? During an Indian Ocean El Niño, the southwesterly summer monsoon is much weaker, and less moisture is being advected over India. Instead, the ocean responds passively to atmospheric forcing: shifts in global atmospheric sea level pressure and surface winds that appear to be related to ENSO in…
Category: Lifehacks
What will happen if 2 out of 3 seats are confirmed and 1 seat is in waitlist which is booked via Irctc online?
What will happen if 2 out of 3 seats are confirmed and 1 seat is in waitlist which is booked via Irctc online? Their cancellation shall be done by IRCTC after chart preparation and refund shall be arranged from Railways by IRCTC and credited to customer/Agent account electronically. In this case, you have 2 options:…
Which is correct my wife and me or my wife and I?
Which is correct my wife and me or my wife and I? Sorry, dear readers, but in this case “my wife and me” is correct. “I” and “me” are personal pronouns. “I” is used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. “Me” is used when the pronoun is the object. What is the…
Is visage a good hero?
Is visage a good hero? Resilient and ruthless, Visage is a highly aggressive hero thanks to his great Strength gain and Gravekeeper’s Cloak which allow him to soak up surprising amounts of damage. Is visage a support? While Visage is usually played as a support, he can also become a strong carry if started in…
Do drug companies run their own clinical trials?
Do drug companies run their own clinical trials? Drug companies Companies run their own trials looking at drugs they have developed. They also sometimes give a grant or supply the drug free of charge for trials run by other organisations. If a drug company is running the trial, they have to pay the hospital for…
What is online event planning system?
What is online event planning system? Online event management allows you to manage your event using technology solutions. Online event management software helps enhance event-goers’ experience, but it also makes the event planner’s life easier by making the event planning process more seamless. What are some tools you use to keep an event running on…
Is it okay to stuff your bra?
Is it okay to stuff your bra? The tissue stuffing method is similar to the sock stuffing method. Start with a small handful of tissues, folding in half or wadding up into loose balls and placing them inside the cup of your bra. Continue stuffing until the desired fullness, smoothness, and natural boobilicious shape is…
What happens if you drive off a cliff on the moon?
What happens if you drive off a cliff on the moon? Depends on how large the cliff is, the moon does not have an atmosphere, so you would be constantly accelerating. Unlike on Earth where you would reach a terminal velocity. Most probably if it would be more(height) then your legs may break. Of course!…
What would you rename earth?
What would you rename earth? The universal proper name for earth is just “Sol-3”. What are the proper names for the continents? The names of the seven continents of the world are: Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, North America, South America, and Antarctica. All the continents of the world start and end with the same alphabet…
Is Trotskyism Marxist?
Is Trotskyism Marxist? Trotskyism is the political ideology and branch of Marxism developed by Ukrainian-Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky and by some other members of the Left Opposition and Fourth International. Trotsky was the paramount leader of the Red Army in the direct aftermath of the Revolutionary period. How does socialism and Marxism differ? In socialist…