Does Legolas need to sleep? He’s Got Insomnia Like all Elves, Legolas does not need to sleep. Later on Legolas naps with his eyes wide open, which if you’ve ever seen someone do it, looks really freaky. 6. He Can Defy Gravity Elves, for some reason, do not sink into snow, even though they weigh…
Category: Lifehacks
What is the difference between mole and mol?
What is the difference between mole and mol? Answer: there is nothing diff between them. Explanation: mol is a symbol of mole. What is mole also known as? chemistry. Alternate titles: gram atom, gram molecular weight, gram molecule, mol. What is difference between mole and atom? An atom is the smallest possible unit of matter…
What do you do when you meet your boyfriend after a long time?
What do you do when you meet your boyfriend after a long time? Surprise him with a gift that you know he would love, to ensure that him that nothing has changed between you two. You need to show him that you still remember exactly what he likes. That alone will assure him of your…
What nationality is Istanbul?
What nationality is Istanbul? Turkish Istanbul, Turkish İstanbul, formerly Constantinople, ancient Byzantium, largest city and principal seaport of Turkey. It was the capital of both the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Is Turkey a turkey? “Turkey” the bird is native to North America. But turkey the word is a geographic mess—a tribute to the…
What is the difference between chicken tenders and boneless wings?
What is the difference between chicken tenders and boneless wings? Chicken tenders (strips) are a specific cut that is peeled off from the inside of the chicken breast. Boneless wings are usually either chunks of breast meat, or a mix of bits of chicken like chicken nuggets. What is the difference between chicken wings and…
How do I put a bigger harddrive in my laptop?
How do I put a bigger harddrive in my laptop? Physically Swap Your Current Drive with the SSD Turn the computer off and remove the back panel. Look for any screws securing your drive to the laptop. Lift the old drive up about 30 or 45 degrees and pull it out. In its place, install…
Is equity and ELSS same?
Is equity and ELSS same? ELSS vs Equity Funds? Typically, ELSS or Equity Linked Savings Scheme is a type of Equity Mutual Fund that offers tax benefits along with providing good market linked returns. For this reason, ELSS funds are also termed as a Tax Saving Mutual Funds. Which is better ELSS or equity? Returns…
What is the best fast TM for Mewtwo?
What is the best fast TM for Mewtwo? When it comes to picking Mewtwo’s fast move, you always want to go with psycho cut. Despite being a weaker attack than confusion, you’re going to be earning a lot more energy every time you use it. Is Psystrike or shadow ball better for Mewtwo? Psystrike and…
How do I tell my crush that I like him?
How do I tell my crush that I like him? How to tell your crush you like him: 7 ways to let him know about your feelings! Give him compliments: Subtle touch: Pick your choice of place for plans: Give a personal touch to your conversations: Mention your name in between your conversations: 6.Make an…
Which accomodation is best at Edinburgh University?
Which accomodation is best at Edinburgh University? The best student halls in Edinburgh revealed The Bridge House. Home to 319 students, The Bridge House has lots of well equipped, modern rooms in shared facility flats. Student Castle. Canal Point. Haddington Place. Bainfield. Orwell Terrace. Slateford Road. Ascham Court. Where should I live near Edinburgh University?…