Where do I put a comma when using And? 1. Use a comma to separate independent clauses. Rule: Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction (and, but, yet, so, or nor, for) when it joins two complete ideas (independent clauses). He walked down the street, and then he turned the corner. Should you put a…
Category: Lifehacks
What is required before doing your very first live stream on YouTube?
What is required before doing your very first live stream on YouTube? To live stream, you need to have no live streaming restrictions in the past 90 days and you need to verify your channel. To create a mobile live stream, you need to meet the requirements. On your phone or tablet, open the YouTube…
How do you discuss past trauma in therapy?
How do you discuss past trauma in therapy? Tell your therapist about your fears: If jumping right in is too much, talk to them about why that is first. You can say something like: “There is something I’m struggling to move past. I know I need to face it to move forward, but I’m afraid…
What is the book in Exodus 32?
What is the book in Exodus 32? Bible Gateway Exodus 32 :: NIV. When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, “Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt,…
How do you use a noise gate?
How do you use a noise gate? Using a noise gate is straightforward. A noise gate blocks any sound/noise coming through your audio channel once you set a noise threshold. When sound sits below this threshold the gate closes, blocking any noise. When sound is louder than this threshold, the gate opens and allows the…
How soon does rabies immune globulin have to be given?
How soon does rabies immune globulin have to be given? Rabies immune globulin is given when you receive the first of your series of rabies vaccine doses, or within 7 days afterward. Be sure to receive all recommended doses of rabies vaccine or you may not be fully protected against disease. How long does rabies…
Can a gastroenterologist diagnose gastroparesis?
Can a gastroenterologist diagnose gastroparesis? If your doctor suspects you may have gastroparesis, you may be referred to a doctor who specializes in digestive diseases (gastroenterologist). You may also be referred to a dietitian who can help you choose foods that are easier to process. How does a doctor diagnose gastroparesis? Doctors use lab tests,…
What does Tidda mean in Aboriginal?
What does Tidda mean in Aboriginal? sister Tidda: Means sister and can also be used when referring to female friends. Yidaki: An Aboriginal wind instrument, also known as didjeridu, a word coined by the white settlers in imitation of its sound. Did Aborigines believe in god? Aboriginal people are very religious and spiritual, but rather…
Are there more stars in the Milky Way than trees on Earth?
Are there more stars in the Milky Way than trees on Earth? Trees outnumber the stars It may surprise you, but there are more trees on Earth than there are stars in the Milky Way. According to a study published in Nature there are about 3 trillion trees on our planet. This far out paces…
What do you say to someone who was physically abused?
What do you say to someone who was physically abused? I am so sorry to hear that you’re feeling (depressed, scared, hurt, etc.). I can’t imagine how bad it must feel for someone you love to say/do those things to you. I know you care for them deeply, so when this happens it must hurt…