Is multi-level marketing really just a pyramid scheme? Multi-level Marketing (MLM) or network marketing, is individuals selling products to the public – often by word of mouth and direct sales. The difference between a pyramid scheme and a lawful MLM program is that there is no real product that is sold in a pyramid scheme….
Category: Lifehacks
How do you prevent sarcoma recurrence?
How do you prevent sarcoma recurrence? Radiation helps prevent sarcomas from recurring in the same spot (local recurrence). When radiation is delivered during surgery, also known as intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT), it “sterilizes” the tissue around the tumor by killing cancerous cells. Does sarcoma involve inflammation? Inflammation also plays a pivotal role in sarcomagenesis. Classical…
Why do I think about ex lovers?
Why do I think about ex lovers? Thinking about an ex is normal, and it doesn’t mean you need to break up with the person you’re dating. “It is natural for an emotion to bring up other experiences with similar emotions,” she said. “The feelings might match, and in fact, we might realize that our…
What cool things can you do with a laser pointer?
What cool things can you do with a laser pointer? One of the coolest things to do with a laser pointer light is to shine it through various glass surfaces and see how the light reflects and refracts. Some of my favorite subjects for this kind of fun are geometrically shaped crystals (just be careful…
How did the conquest of Brazil differ from the conquest of Spanish America?
How did the conquest of Brazil differ from the conquest of Spanish America? The Portuguese colonization of Brazil was initially quite different from the Spanish conquest of the Americas. Rather than launching large military campaigns to conquer empires, the Portuguese engaged in trade with native Brazilians and smaller-scale battles against rival groups. Did Spain conquer…
What is comparable to gruyere cheese?
What is comparable to gruyere cheese? You can substitute Emmental, Jarlsberg, or Raclette cheese for Gruyère in quiche. Any of these Swiss cheeses will be ideal, as they give off very similar flavor profiles to Gruyère. It will also depend on the quiche recipe that you’re trying to follow. What can substitute for gruyere cheese…
How do you bring a lithium battery back to life?
How do you bring a lithium battery back to life? Seal the Li-ion battery in an airtight bag and put it in the freezer for about 24 hours, ensuring there is no moisture in the bag that could get the battery wet. When you take it out of the freezer, let it thaw for up…
Can I get EViews for free?
Can I get EViews for free? EViews Student Lite is available for free, but is restricted by the number of observations that can be analyzed, and does not allow saving. How do I find my EViews 10 student serial number? You may obtain your serial number from the back of your CD-ROM case or from…
What is the purpose of an eruv?
What is the purpose of an eruv? An eruv is an area within which observant Jews can carry or push objects on the Sabbath, (which lasts from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday), without violating a Jewish law that prohibits carrying anything except within the home. What does it mean when the eruv is…
Why does Dell computer keep shutting down?
Why does Dell computer keep shutting down? Several possible reasons -Your computer is triggering a shutdown to protect from thermal damage. Cleaning it is good, but your fan may not be working adequately to cool your processor because it is failing. Check the air vents of your computer not just the fan just in case,…