What tools do you need to build a kit car? Off the top of my head you will need a engine hoist, floor jack, jack stands, grinder, torch, drill, drill bit set,screw driver set, your standard 3/8 drive sae & metric sockets. 1/2 drive sockets 7/16-1-1/18 and metric 8mm to 32mm same goes for the…
Category: Lifehacks
Which type are ENFPs most attracted to?
Which type are ENFPs most attracted to? The most compatible personality types for ENFP are INTJ and INFJ. When it comes to dating and marriage, people are attracted to a partner who is strong in areas that they are weak. As such, ENFPs form very successful relationships with the INTJs and INFJs. Are ENFP girls…
Does a vacuum affect the speed of light?
Does a vacuum affect the speed of light? Light in air is 1.0003 times slower than light in a vacuum, which slows it all the way down from 299,792,458 meters per second to 299,702,547 meters per second. But if you’re in a vacuum, the index of refraction is precisely 1; there is no change to…
How do you teach a soccer scan?
How do you teach a soccer scan? But what makes this sequence happen is hardly Ndombele’s dribbling or passing ability, believe it or not–it’s those two little looks he takes. Feel free to watch the clip again. One occurs before the pass is played, and the other as it’s fired towards him. Those scans unlock…
Why do lights turn on immediately?
Why do lights turn on immediately? Electrons are like that in a wire. Although the electrons are actually moving through the wire slowly, we say that the speed of electricity is near the speed of light (extremely fast). What we really mean is that the effects from the electricity occur “instantly.” The light comes on…
What is the normal range for HDL and LDL?
What is the normal range for HDL and LDL? Men age 20 or older: Type of Cholesterol Healthy Level Total Cholesterol 125 to 200mg/dL Non-HDL Less than 130mg/dL LDL Less than 100mg/dL HDL 40mg/dL or higher What is the normal range for HDL and LDL in mmol L? The following levels are considered to be…
How effective are ultrasonic toothbrushes?
How effective are ultrasonic toothbrushes? Studies looking at the effectiveness of manual brushing versus ultrasonic brushing have shown that electronic/ultrasonic toothbrushes remove more plaque than regular manual toothbrushes. A review of studies showed that by using an electronic toothbrush plaque was decreased by 21 percent just after three months of use. Can you use regular…
How many animals die in the wild each year?
How many animals die in the wild each year? Of the 2.2 million animals killed last year, approximately 1.2 million were native wildlife species. How do most animals die in the wild? They found that natural causes of death (predation, disease, starvation), especially predation, were common among juvenile animals irrespective of their species’ typical adult…
Is the human eye actually round?
Is the human eye actually round? Topic Overview. The eye is shaped like a round ball, with a slight bulge at the front. The eye has three main layers. These layers lie flat against each other and form the eyeball. Why are our eyes spheres? A spherical shell, inflated with fluid, can provide a clear…
Is CO or CO2 more dangerous for environment?
Is CO or CO2 more dangerous for environment? CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS At 80,000 ppm, CO2 can be life-threatening. As a reference, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has set a CO2 permissible exposure limit (PEL) of 5,000 ppm over an eight-hour period and 30,000 ppm over a 10-minute period. Carbon monoxide is a far more…