Who killed Vishnu avatar Narasimha? Sharabha kills Narasimha first and then kills Varaha, allowing Vishnu to reabsorb the energies of both his fierce forms. Finally, Sharabha defeats Vishnu. Why did Lord Vishnu take avatars? The concept of avatar within Hinduism is most often associated with Vishnu, the preserver or sustainer aspect of God within the…
Category: Lifehacks
Would solar panels survive a nuke?
Would solar panels survive a nuke? Solar panels that are operating and wired up will certainly see some damage at the very least. A nuclear EMP will deliver some damage – maybe not enough to kill the solar panel, but certainly, reduce functionality and effectiveness. It should survive – just! Do solar panels work when…
What does it mean when someone says your mother?
What does it mean when someone says your mother? Your mom is a phrase that’s typically followed by a statement poking fun at someone’s mom. This always involves hyperbolic statements revolving around a personal trait that she may or may not possess. What does it mean when someone says you look like a mom? The…
What year would Skyrim take place in real life?
What year would Skyrim take place in real life? Interesting Question. The answer is pretty odd, as a lot more time has gone by than you would think. Alright, let’s begin. Adding up the first Era (2920 years), second Era (897 years), the third Era (433 years), and the fourth Era (201 years) gets you…
Why cow milk is not best alternative of breast milk?
Why cow milk is not best alternative of breast milk? “People generally think that cow or buffalo milk can be a substitute for mother’s milk, which is not true. Bovine milk has a high protein content called Casein which is a much more heavier molecule for the baby to digest, causing an extra pressure on…
Is Cannizzaro reaction given by all the aldehydes?
Is Cannizzaro reaction given by all the aldehydes? Hence, the Cannizzaro reaction is not given by acetaldehyde. All aldehydes can be made to undergo the Cannizaro reaction in the presence of the base Aluminium Ethoxide. Under these conditions, the acid and the base combines to form Ester and the reaction is known as TISCHENKO reaction….
What are the three main things people spend money on?
What are the three main things people spend money on? The big 3 for things that you SHOULD be spending your money on are investments (in yourself and otherwise), experiences, and your health. What group of people spends the most money? The 35- to 64-year-old group had, on aver- age, the highest level of total…
What do web developers do on a typical day?
What do web developers do on a typical day? A web developer performs tasks such as… Building websites using technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This includes the layout of websites, as well as frameworks used to deliver the content that will be displayed on the site. Modifying and updating websites according to a…
What companies look in freshers?
What companies look in freshers? Employers also prefer candidates who are proactive, good team players, one who is ready to accept challenges and grasp things quickly. Other skills which will give you an advantage include time management, problem solving and presentation skills. After all you have to put theory into practice in the corporate world….
Can high frequency sound break glass?
Can high frequency sound break glass? To shatter the glass, a singer’s voice has to match that frequency, or pitch, and the glass must have microscopic defects. But no matter how loud the sound, if the pitch doesn’t match the resonant frequency of the glass, the glass will reflect most of the energy and won’t…