Is Laravel good for social media? Laravel was developed with a strong emphasis on design patterns and modularity. Over time it evolved into a feature-rich MVC framework. With a well considered code-base and so many great features to build upon, it is no wonder that Laravel is a popular way to create social media networks…
Category: Lifehacks
Can you be both ENFP and ESFP?
Can you be both ENFP and ESFP? #5 – ENFPs and ESFPs Are Creative Both ENFPs and ESFPs enjoy thinking creatively. When crisis situations come up, both of these types are known for rapidly thinking outside-the-box to come up with unusual and sometimes ingenious solutions. Both types enjoy bringing new ideas, objects, and experiences to…
Is ePay a trustworthy site?
Is ePay a trustworthy site? Epay is a Scam Company! Do not trust this company, they will steal your money and the customer service will not going to help you out. I do NOT recommend to use this company, this is SCAM, and the customer service is a joke. What is ePay payment method? ePay…
In what ways did the Federalists vision for the United states differ from that of their Republican opponents during the 1790s?
In what ways did the Federalists vision for the United states differ from that of their Republican opponents during the 1790s? The Federalists wanted a strong central government and a loose interpretation of the Constitution. The Republicans favored states’ rights more than a central government and they had a strict interpretation of the Constitution. What…
What if Britain did not colonize America?
What if Britain did not colonize America? If Europeans never colonized and invaded America, the native nations and tribes would continue to interact in trade. The coastal people grow rich, trading resources such as corn with the old world. The Europeans would trade with the Eastern tribes and the Chinese would trade with the Western…
Why is salt and pepper used as seasoning?
Why is salt and pepper used as seasoning? Salt also helped preserve food before refrigeration. And, Herz says, studies have shown that the more salt people eat, the more they crave it. So salt had a foothold in cooking, and pepper was one of many spices used in heavily seasoned dishes. Why do they call…
How do geologists identify different minerals?
How do geologists identify different minerals? Properties that help geologists identify a mineral in a rock are: color, hardness, luster, crystal forms, density, and cleavage. Crystal form, cleavage, and hardness are determined primarily by the crystal structure at the atomic level. Color and density are determined primarily by the chemical composition. What are the six…
Can you get a masters in Aerospace engineering with a bachelors in electrical engineering?
Can you get a masters in Aerospace engineering with a bachelors in electrical engineering? The answer to your question is yes! You can absolutely do an undergraduate degree in one type of engineering and then do a masters in another. I work in an Aero/Astro lab with about 30 students, and approximately 10-20\% have a…
Is Infp a weak personality?
Is Infp a weak personality? Under developed/ unhealthy INFPs might be weak, submissive and timid, but a well developed INFP is balanced, creative, in tune with themselves and others, and can action their values and make a real difference to others. Are Infp annoying? The potential ways in which an INFP can irritate others include…
Is kissing a child grooming?
Is kissing a child grooming? Commonly, they show pornography to the child, or talk about sexual topics with the child, hoping to make it easy for the child to accept such acts, thus normalizing the behavior. They may also engage in hugging, kissing, or other physical contact, even when the child does not want it….