Why is it better to use open source software? Security. By its very nature, open source enables anyone to look for and fix security flaws. And since its peer-reviewed, it opens the software up to a large base of inspectors who can quickly detect issues. In fact, many open source solutions are much more secure…
Category: Lifehacks
How many slices is a 1/4 pizza?
How many slices is a 1/4 pizza? If you like, you can also draw out a pizza diagram and cut it into 12 slices, but in this case 1/4 of 12 slices of pizza is 3 slices, leaving 9 slices left. The pizza was cut into 12 pieces and Kelly ate 1/4 of those pieces….
Is it possible to get back with someone you broke up with?
Is it possible to get back with someone you broke up with? Getting together after a breakup is a very common thing: A study found that almost 50\% of couples admitted to reuniting with their partner after they had broken things off. But even though it’s done pretty frequently, rebuilding a relationship after a breakup…
What does Waheguru mean in Sikhism?
What does Waheguru mean in Sikhism? God Sikhs have many words to describe God. The name most widely used for God by Sikhs is Waheguru , which means ‘wondrous enlightener’. What does Brahman mean in Hinduism? the supreme existence brahman, in the Upanishads (Indian sacred writings), the supreme existence or absolute reality. Though a variety…
How do I go to 12th class after failing 11th?
How do I go to 12th class after failing 11th? No school will accept your direct admission to class 12th after you directly pass out from 10th or after you fail in 11th.. It is indispensable to move forward without passing 12th so the only option you have with you is to study hard and…
Does food feed the soul?
Does food feed the soul? Food began to do more than just keep our physical bodies alive; it began to fuel our souls. The soul is an obscure and very personal idea, but we are all aware of its presence within us. And when you feed your soul, you know it’s been well-fed by the…
When your good is better and your better is best?
When your good is better and your better is best? “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.” —Tim Duncan | PassItOn.com. Why is being the best version of yourself important? Becoming the best version of yourself means getting back to your quintessential self. As straightforward…
What is a superhero today?
What is a superhero today? Superman. One of the most popular superheros today is still Superman. If anyone can challenge the popularity of Batman then it would have to be Superman. Superman is also probably the strongest superhero around (although Captain Marvel DC may have something to say about that). How do you celebrate superhero…
What happens if eat expired eggs?
What happens if eat expired eggs? What happens if I eat expired eggs? If you eat expired eggs by accident, your main concern should be salmonella poisoning. Because salmonella can build up over time, older eggs may contain more of the bacteria. In most cases, the symptoms of salmonella poisoning are stomach pain, diarrhea, fever,…
How do you get the egg smell out of a sponge cake?
How do you get the egg smell out of a sponge cake? Unfortunately, it’s not possible to get rid of an eggy smell or taste from a cake once it’s baked. All you can do is mask it with icing and hope for the best. If you’re lucky, the smell or taste will dissipate with…